My favorite part of Thanksgiving is making turkey soup a few days later out of the turkey carcass. Usually I just make regular soup, like making chicken soup -- carcass in a stock pot with a lot of water, plus an onion, couple carrots, couple stalks of celery, about half a bulb of garlic, salt and pepper, simmer all day, strain. (I have a stock pot with a strainer insert that makes this easy.) If you wait to fridge it all overnight before eating it, you can skim the fat off the top so it's not as greasy. (Tall and narrow containers are better than short and fat ones; the thicker the layer of cooled fat is, the easier it is to remove.) Then sometimes I'll add back the carrots, whatever turkey meat is left over at that point, and maybe some potato, and stick-blend it all to make the soup a little thicker.
This time, I was talking to my friend Mimi Tulane a few days ago, and mentioned that I hadn't made turkey soup yet, and that I still had the sweet potatoes to do as well. (I have some health issues that make it not-smart (on a Running To The ER For IV Meds not-smart) to eat a lot at one sitting, so doing the turkey and stuffing and half a dozen sides all in one meal is kind of pointless.) So I was blathering away in e-mail and I guess I didn't make things clear, because Mimi wrote back and said she'd never heard of turkey-sweet-potato soup before, but it sounded like it could be good.
Of course I'm reading this and I start laughing and go to type an explanation, but then I stop and think. Huh, that does sound like it could be good. [bemused smile]
I tried it. It's awesome.
I made my turkey soup -- the broth version, all the solids removed -- then baked a couple of sweet potatoes until they were very soft. I heated up enough of the skimmed broth to fill a stew-size pot about two-thirds, then put the sweet potato flesh in and hit it (carefully) with a stick blender until there were no chunks visible. Then I added milk (about an inch and a half in that pot; probably like two or three cups? sorry, I don't measure) and blended it again.
It was really wonderful. My husband was raving about it all day, and he's not really much of a soup person. It's meaty from the turkey, with some sweetness from the sweet potatoes, and some richness from the milk. I had more later with cut up pieces of leftover turkey in it, and that's good too. I imagine anything you'd usually put into turkey soup would be good -- potatoes, carrots, pasta, rice, whatever you're into.
This is great. Seriously, next time you make a turkey, try it. And thanks, Mimi -- you're brilliant. :)
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Young Explorer's Adventure Guide Cover
The Young Explorer's Adventure Guide anthology successfully funded its Kickstarter, so the ball is rolling. We have the final cover, with my name on it, yay. :)

I don't have a publication date yet, but I'll definitely be posting when it's released.
I love this cover. The art is great -- genre-specific enough to communicate "Hey, this is SF!" without focusing on a particular subgenre that'd let out a lot of stories, or trying too hard to be too many things and thus likely failing at everything. Good stuff.

I don't have a publication date yet, but I'll definitely be posting when it's released.
I love this cover. The art is great -- genre-specific enough to communicate "Hey, this is SF!" without focusing on a particular subgenre that'd let out a lot of stories, or trying too hard to be too many things and thus likely failing at everything. Good stuff.
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Putting Ferguson Into Perspective
Yes, what's going on in Ferguson is awful, and is causing hardship for a lot of people, most of them black. Yes, it would be better for everyone if they'd go home and get on with their lives, as Michael Brown's family has asked. But at least in this case, the people rioting have a significant reason to be angry -- a pretty clear miscarriage of justice, with an obvious racial motive. All the white people looking down their noses and crying shame on those violent black rioters for being so violent (salted with racist epithets, because of course all this violence is because that's what people of their race do) should perhaps remember all the So Much More Worthy [cough] reasons for which white people have violently rioted.
Thanks to Jason for sending me a link to this. Very telling.
Thanks to Jason for sending me a link to this. Very telling.
Monday, November 24, 2014
"Mine, All Mine!" Said the Octopus
So my husband volunteers at the Seattle Aquarium. They've had two octopuses there for a while, in adjacent tanks. The tanks are connected by a tube about eighteen inches or so across, but since octopuses can be territorial, a screen is in place so the animals are aware of each other, but can't, say, try to kill or eat one another. Which they will sometimes do if they have the opportunity.
One of the octopuses recently started displaying reproductive behavior, pulling eggs out of her mantle and braiding them together. There are no male octopuses in the vicinity, so the eggs aren't fertile, but policy is that when an octopus looks like she wants to breed, she's released out into the sound. So Octopus Number One has moved on.
The screen between the two tanks was removed, and Octopus Number Two now has access to both tanks.
According to my husband, Number Two was positively gleeful today. She was much more active than she's usually been, exploring, spreading her legs out, jetting a time or two, spending some time up at the glass looking at people -- while he described it I could picture in my mind a cartoon octopus dancing around the newly-huge space and cackling, "Mine, all mine!" with a huge, cartoony grin.
Aquarium visitors spent a lot of time around the octopus tanks today, for obvious reasons. One pair got a surprise when they turned away for a few moments, then turned back to find that the octopus was Right There In Front Of Their Faces, legs fanned out. The animal's web (the skin between its legs, like the webbing between your thumb and forefinger) is about six feet across, then add several more feet on either side for the legs themselves. That's a lot of octopus underside to suddenly find spread out a few inches away from your head, and there were a couple of squeaks and jumps right before the cameras came up and started clicking. I'll bet those pictures are great. :)
I assume the aquarium will acquire another octopus eventually, but until then Number Two will doubtless revel in her newly expanded territory. Sounds like she's having fun with it.
One of the octopuses recently started displaying reproductive behavior, pulling eggs out of her mantle and braiding them together. There are no male octopuses in the vicinity, so the eggs aren't fertile, but policy is that when an octopus looks like she wants to breed, she's released out into the sound. So Octopus Number One has moved on.
The screen between the two tanks was removed, and Octopus Number Two now has access to both tanks.
According to my husband, Number Two was positively gleeful today. She was much more active than she's usually been, exploring, spreading her legs out, jetting a time or two, spending some time up at the glass looking at people -- while he described it I could picture in my mind a cartoon octopus dancing around the newly-huge space and cackling, "Mine, all mine!" with a huge, cartoony grin.
Aquarium visitors spent a lot of time around the octopus tanks today, for obvious reasons. One pair got a surprise when they turned away for a few moments, then turned back to find that the octopus was Right There In Front Of Their Faces, legs fanned out. The animal's web (the skin between its legs, like the webbing between your thumb and forefinger) is about six feet across, then add several more feet on either side for the legs themselves. That's a lot of octopus underside to suddenly find spread out a few inches away from your head, and there were a couple of squeaks and jumps right before the cameras came up and started clicking. I'll bet those pictures are great. :)
I assume the aquarium will acquire another octopus eventually, but until then Number Two will doubtless revel in her newly expanded territory. Sounds like she's having fun with it.
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Anthology Markets
If you've just wandered in off the internet, hi and welcome. :) I do these posts every month, so if this post isn't dated in the same month you're in, click here to make sure you're seeing the most recent one.
Markets with specific deadlines are listed first, "Until Filled" markets are at the bottom. There are usually more details on the original site; always click through and read the full guidelines before submitting. Note that some publishers list multiple antho guidelines on one page, so after you click through you might have to scroll a bit.
NOTE: Temporally Out of Order opened to submissions only upon funding of their Kickstarter, and there's not a lot of lead time. It's a cool theme, though, and they're paying $.05/word, so I'm listing it for the speedy among you.
30 November 2014 -- Accessing the Future -- ed. Djibril al-Ayad and Kathryn Allan; Publishing
Inspired by the cyberpunk and feminist science fiction of yesterday and the DIY, open access, and hacktivist culture of today, Accessing the Future will be an anthology that explores the future potentials of technology to augment and challenge the physical environment and the human form—in all of its wonderful and complex diversity. We are particularly interested in stories that address issues of disability (invisible and visible, physical and mental), and the intersectionality of race, nationality, gender, sexuality, and class—in both physical and virtual spaces. Accessing the Future will be a collection of speculative fiction that places emphasis on the social, political, and material realms of being.
We want stories from as many diverse people as possible, especially from people with disabilities (visible and invisible, physical and mental), chronic illness or mental illness, who are neuroatypical, or people who have an understanding of the institutional and social construction of disability. We welcome stories from marginalized groups within the speculative fiction community (e.g., QUILTBAG, people of colour, non-North American writers), and from anyone with sensitivity to intersectional politics.
Payment and Rights
We pay $0.06/word (six cents a word) for global English first publication rights in print and digital format. The authors retain copyright.
Submission Guidelines
== Send your submissions to by midnight UTC on November 30th, 2014.
== Length 2500-7500 words (with a preference for 4000-6000 words).
== No reprints or simultaneous submissions.
== Attach your story as a .doc, .docx, or .rtf file, with your name, the story title, and the wordcount on the first page.
== We do not require or request that submitting writers identify themselves as a person with a disability, but we respect anyone’s desire to self-identify.
What We Want:
We want stories that place emphasis on intersectional narratives (rejection of, undoing, and speaking against ableist, heteronormative, racist, cissexist, and classist constructions) and that are informed by an understanding of disability issues and politics at individual and institutional levels. We want to read stories from writers that think critically about how prosthetic technologies, new virtual and physical environments, and genetic modifications will impact human bodies, our communities, and planet. Here are some questions we want writers to think about
== How will humanity modify the future world?
== What kinds of new spaces will there be to explore and inhabit? Who will have access to these spaces and in what ways?
== Given that we all already rely on (technological) tools to make our lives easier, what kinds of assistive and adaptive technologies will we use in the future?
== How will augmentations (from the prosthetic to the genetic) erase or exacerbate existing differences in ability, class, gender, sexuality, nationality, and race?
== What does an accessible future look like?
We Will Not Accept:
== Stories of “cure” (or where disability exists as a condition to be “fixed,” erased through genetic engineering, etc.)
== Depictions of people with disabilities as “extra special,” “magical,” or “inspirational” because of their disability.
== Stories that generally reproduce today’s dominant reductionist viewpoints of disability as a fixed identity and a problem to be solved.
== Any story that addresses disability in a realistic and “positive” way but contains any element that is racist, sexist, homophobic or otherwise insulting or harmful to other marginalized identities.
30 November 2014 -- Temporally Out of Order -- ed. Joshua Palmatier; Zombies Need Brains, LLC
While sitting at the airport waiting for a flight, I saw a phone booth with a note reading “Temporally Out of Order.” Obviously it was a typo, but the mistake takes on a whole new meaning when viewed from a science fiction/fantasy frame of mind. This anthology will take on the challenge of interpreting what “temporally out of order” could mean for modern day—or perhaps not so modern—gadgets, such as the cell phone, laptop, television, radio, iPod, or even that microwave or refrigerator!
Edited by Joshua Palmatier and Patricia Bray, it will contain approximately 14 stories with an average length of 6000 words each. The anthology will include short stories by: David B. Coe, Laura Anne Gilman, Faith Hunter, Stephen Leigh, Gini Koch, Seanan McGuire, and Laura Resnick. Additional authors will be added as stretch goals, including Jack Campbell, Jean Marie Ward, and Juliet E. McKenna. All other slots aside from the named authors will be filled by the open call for submissions following the successful completion of the Kickstarter.
[NOTE: Their Kickstarter did fund, so have at it. :) ]
1 December 2014 -- Stories for Chip: A Tribute to Samuel R. Delaney -- ed. Nisi Shawl and Bill Campbell; Rosarium Publishing
Our anthology-in-progress, Stories for Chip: A Tribute to Samuel R. Delany, will honor science fiction's living legend, the author of over 20 novels, approximately as many short stories, five notable memoirs and counting, and ten essential books of genre criticism. SFWA Grand Master, Science Fiction Hall of Fame inductee, and multiple award-winner Samuel R. Delany ("Chip" to his friends) has inspired and taught many of us in the fields of science fiction and fantasy, directly and indirectly, by example and by intent. We want to demonstrate to the world the power of his work through what we write, and thank him for the grace of his existence. Would you like to be part of this anthology? Read on.
Response time: You’ll hear back from us about your submission by January 29, 2015, at the latest.
Wordcount limits: 1000 to 10,000 for prose
Pay: minimum .05/word up to $400 total per story/essay for original prose; minimum .02/word up to $160 total per story/essay for reprint prose.
Note: Acceptance, contracts, and payments will follow a successful crowdfunding campaign. Campaign will run October 1 – 31, 2014.
We're accepting a very few reprints, and plan to include no more than five total in the book. We already have two in mind. You'll have a much easier time selling us original material.
What we're looking for: We want stories and critical essays that relate in some way to the strength and beauty of Samuel R. Delany’s body of work. This relationship can be made evident through allusions to the author himself; through allusions to his work's titles, characters, situations, settings, etc.; through evoking a Delanyesque atmosphere; or through analysis of any of these elements, in the case of nonfiction. We're hoping for essays which elucidate his important, lasting contributions to literature; and for fiction inspired by these contributions.
What we're not looking for: Please don't send us your parodies of Delany or his work. We're also not at all confident you'll impress us with your serious attempts to reproduce his style; if you must try us with something along those lines, be aware that's going to be an extremely hard sell. Further, because Delany's critical writing though rigorous, is so clear and easily understandable, we’re not at all interested in deliberately obscurantist, jargon-laden critical essays.
How to submit:
Once the submission period opens, we'll accept ELECTRONIC SUBMISSIONS ONLY. We’ll destroy unread anything you send before September 4 or after December 1. During that period, send your submissions as attached .rtf or .doc files to: In your message you can include any previous publishing credits you'd like to mention, and make any statement you care to make about your connections to Delany.
How to support without submitting: Check back here this February 2015 to participate in our crowdfunding campaign.
Publication and review copies: Our press is Rosarium, noted publisher of Mothership: Tales of Afrofuturism and Beyond. We expect to publish Stories for Chip in July 2015, and to make ARCs available to reviewers in March 2015.
[Click through for some info on the editors.]
15 December 2014 -- She Walks in Shadows -- Innsmouth Free Press
She Walks in Shadows, the first all-woman Lovecraft anthology, will hold an open submissions period from November 15, 2014 to December 15, 2014. DO NOT SEND STUFF BEFORE THAT DATE. Keep the following in mind:
Submit short stories inspired by the work of Lovecraft that focus on a woman or female deity. It may be a character from Lovecraft’s work or someone of your own creation. You are not restricted to the 1920s as a setting. Steampunk, dieselpunk, noir, and any other sub-genre you can imagine are fine with us. Give us your best and most polished work. And yes, you must be a woman to submit. Women only.
To avoid the Asenath effect (that means every character in the anthology would be Asenath Waite), we asked the authors who are contributing stories to pick a different character from a Lovecraft story. While you are not bound to these restrictions, we suggest that if you use a character from Lovecraft’s fiction, you avoid the usual suspects (Asenath and Lavinia).
Consider interesting and novel settings for your stories. Surely, strange Lovecraftian entities haunt contemporary Nunavut or the Inca fought strange webbed monstrosities centuries ago. Anne Boleyn, evil sorceress or woman fighting the good fight against the Mi-Go? We may never know. Or maybe we will.
POCs are highly encouraged to send stories. Transgender writers: same thing.
Stories may be sent in French, English, or Spanish. We can read all three languages.
Story length is up to 4,000 words with a pay rate of 6 cents a word (Canadian $, eh). No reprints, please.
Submit your final story as a Word or RTF attachment by the deadline to innsmouthfp(at)gmail(dot)com. Use the subject line: Slush Shadows. Include a cover letter with a biography (Yes, we want to know a bit about you), word count, and your name and contact information. Please use italics as italics, bold as bold, number your pages and the like.
We’ll get back to you early in 2015 with an answer.
We’ll be purchasing exclusive English language rights for 12 months. Exceptions: You may submit the story to award showcases, best of reprints, etc. We print in POD and release e-books. Due to this, we will ask for the right to maintain your story in print for a predetermined amount of time (5 years).
We’ll send you a contributor’s copy in each format released (paperback, hardcover, MOBI, ePub).
Questions can be directed to publisher(at)innsmouthfreepress(dot)com
30 December 2014 -- The Lost Worlds -- Eldritch Press
Payment: Six cents a word to keep pace with the SFWA guidelines for pro-pay markets.
Story Length: Up to 17,500/ novella length stories.
Deadline: Extended until December 30th 2014.
Rights Requested: Six months exclusive rights upon publication.
Cover art will be revealed soon.
Steampunk is a difficult and demanding genre to write in. Therefore we are only accepting the best stories you can bring to the plate. To be published early next year.
"The Lost Worlds" will be a anthology in the Steampunk Horror Genre devoted to the post-apocalyptic theme. Send us worlds rebuilt by steam powered engines and mechanical marvels. Send us characters we can root for as they fight the good fight.
Send us worlds our readers can romanticize about, characters that jump off the page. We want to set the Steampunk world ablaze with "The Lost Worlds." So we only want your best.
31 December 2014 -- Apotheosis -- ed. Jason Andrew; Simian Publishing
Apotheosis – Stories of human survival and defiance in a world subjugated by the return of the Elder Gods. Humanity struggled to grow and evolve as a species for thousands of years forever caught in the shadow of a dread threat known only to a devoted few. When the stars are right, the Old Ones will return to claim utter dominion of the world. Lovecraft Mythos stories often climax at the moment of the fateful return of the Elder Gods and the audience is left to ponder what might happen next. This anthology features stories about humanity under the reign of the Elder Gods and ancient terrors.
What do we mean by Lovecraft Mythos stories in relation to Apotheosis? We’re looking for stories inspired by the stories of H.P. Lovecraft and associated writers such as August Derleth, Clark Ashton Smith, Robert E. Howard , Robert Bloch, Henry Kuttner, and Frank Belknap Long. We’re also interested in writers that inspired Lovecraft such as Edgar Allan Poe, Algernon Blackwood and Lord Dunsany. We’re interested in classic mythos gods and monsters and originals that have inspired by the mythos.
Good Fiction Examples:
== " Boojum" by Elizabeth Bear & Sarah Monette
== "A Colder War" by Charlie Stross
== In the Hall of the Yellow King by Peter Rawlik
What type of stories are we looking for? We’re looking for character-driven stories set during a time in the future where the ancient terrors that once ruled the Earth have claimed complete and utter dominion of the Earth. We’re less concerned about the strict interpretation of the Elder Gods than good stories that deal with real human concerns. How do people survive? How does life change? Will people accept their new gods or will they rebel? What will it mean to be human in such a world of gods and monsters? Surprise us. Don’t give us stories that we’ve read before. We want worlds that feel real populated by characters from different cultures, genders, and ethnicities. Avoid cultural appropriation. Do your homework.
What types of submissions should I avoid? We’re not as interested in the moment the ancient horrors return and conquer the world, but how humanity survives after the war is lost. Flashbacks are OK, but the story should not be about that time. We enjoy historical mythos fiction, but this is not the anthology for it. Stories must be set in the future. We are not looking for poetry for this anthology.
Submission Details:
== Word-count: 2,000 to 7,000 Worldwide print and e-book rights (exclusive for 6 months, non-exclusive for an additional 30 months).Exceptions will be made for stories accepted for “Best Of” anthologies. Apotheosis will be available in both Print on Demand and e-book formats.
== Submissions open November 1, 2014, and will close at 11:59 PST on December 31, 2014. You may submit at: (Do not submit before November 1st 2014 or your submission will be deleted)
== Queries and questions may be sent to : (You may send queries and questions anytime.) All responses will be accepted or rejected by January 15th, 2015. Please do not query about submitted stories before then. No multiple or simultaneous submissions. Our word count limits are hard for open submissions. Reprints may be submitted, but we’re only accepting three or four at the most. (It should be clearly stated that the submission is a reprint in your cover later or this will be an automatic rejection later.)
== Please use standard format guidelines. If it is difficult to read, we will reject your story. Your story must include your name, address, telephone number, email address, and approximate word count on the first page. Your cover letter should include your complete contact information, story title, approximate word count, and a short bio.
== Payment: 3 cents per word (or 1 cent per word for reprints), paid within 90 days after publication. Plus contributor copy of print and e-book.
31 December 2014 -- SNAFU II: Survival of the Fittest -- ed. Geoff Brown and Amanda J Spedding; Cohesion Press
For this anthology, we want survival horror featuring soldiers.
Survival horror says it all. Resident Evil… Silent Hill… with soldiers. Straining to make that one clip of rounds last. Making sure not to waste a single bullet. Lost in the shadows, low on ammo, only edged weapons, and/or wounded, fighting to survive, the last remnants of the mission team trying to make sense of where they had gone wrong, and how to make it out alive with next-to-no resources.
We still want military combat from any period, don’t get me wrong, but we also want fear… we want suspense and tension… we want originality in the monster/antagonist, and how they are finally overcome. To allow for this building of atmosphere and tension, we have upped the word limit to 10,000.
And then, we want something jaw-droppingly amazing.
We STRONGLY suggest you read the first and/or second SNAFU volume to see what it is we like.
SNAFU: Heroes –
SNAFU II will hold novellas by some best-selling authors, with announcements to come soon.
== Edited by Geoff Brown and Amanda J Spedding
== Payment: AUD4c/word and one contributor copy in each format released
== Wordcount range: 1,000 – 10,000 words (query for shorter or longer)
== Submission window: October 1 – December 31, 2014 (anything submitted outside of this window will be deleted without being read)
== Projected publication date: Second Quarter 2015
Please follow these guidelines when submitting to us:
1. Please put your full contact details on the first page of the manuscript top left, with word count top right.
2. Standard submission format, with minimal document formatting.
3. Courier or Times New Roman set at 12pt. Italics as they will appear. No underlining.
4. Double spaced.
5. Please don’t use TAB or space bar to indent lines. Use ‘styles’ only. If unsure or using a program that has no styles, do not indent at all. That’s still cool.
6. NO SPACE between paragraphs unless a line-break is required. ONE SPACE after full stops.
7. Please put full contact details on the first page of the manuscript (yes, I said this twice… it’s important).
8. Send your submission to Geoff Brown at as an attachment (doc or docx).
9. In the subject line of your email, please put SNAFU2: [STORY TITLE]
(Replace [STORY TITLE] with your actual story title. Yes, unfortunately I do need to state this)
For a guide to standard submission format, see:
The only variation to this format is that italics MUST appear as they will be used; no underlining.
Anyone that fails to follow these guidelines will likely see their story gobbled up by spam gremlins.
31 December 2014 -- Villains Inc -- ed. Tan-ni Fan; Less Than Three Press
Villains, Inc. — An Anthology Call — Tired of goody-two-shoes? Why should those "glowing heroes of good" get all the glory? Villains! They can be antiheroes, misunderstood, or just people who love to cause chaos for the sheer madness of it all. LT3 is seeking stories where the focus is, for once, on the baddies. The badder the better!
Please note, Less than Three has a strong policy against stories with themes of non-consent.
== Deadline is December 31, 2014 (give or take, we won’t kill you for sending it off the following morning).
== Stories should be at least 10,000 words and should not exceed approx 20,000 words in length.
== Stories may be any pairing except cisgender heterosexual M/F (trans* M/F, M/M, F/F, poly, and all permutations thereof are acceptable).
== Stories must have a happily ever after (HEA) or happy for now (HFN) end.
== Any sub-genre is gladly accepted: sci-fi, mystery, contemporary, steampunk, etc.
== All usual LT3 submission guidelines apply.
Villains, Inc. is a general release anthology, meaning stories will be sold as a compiled ebook in the LT3 book market. Payment will be $200 on acceptance of the story. Authors will receive one copy each of the ebook formats LT3 produces and two copies of the paperback compilation.
Stories should be complete before submitting, and as edited as possible. They can be submitted in any format (doc, docx, rtf, odt, etc) preferably single spaced in an easy to read font (Times, Calibri, Arial) with no special formatting (no elaborate section separation, special fonts, etc). Additional formatting guidelines can be found on the above-linked submissions page.
IMPORTANT: This anthology is being coordinated and edited by one of LT3′s senior editors, Tan-ni Fan. To submit, please send your manuscript to Include the following in your email:
== Put SUBMISSIONS in the subject line! Emails without this subject line run the risk of not being seen or read, so please, do not forget this!
== Your real name, pen name (if you use one), and preferred email address.
== The approximate total length of the completed story.
== A brief summary of the story, not to exceed approximately 200 words in length.
== Attach the complete manuscript in .doc, .docx, or .odt format.
Any questions/concerns should be directed to the Editor, Tan-ni Fan at (or you can ping her on twitter @tannifan).
[NOTE: Less Than Three is a romance press, and is looking for romance stories. Romance presses often assume you know this without being told.]
31 December 2014 -- A Collection of Untimely Hours -- Dark Recesses Press
Dark Recesses Press is now accepting short novella length submissions for A Collection of Untimely Hours. Between four and six stories will be selected for this themed anthology.
The theme is time. The genre is dark fiction. A broad spectrum, we know, but what we mean by this is truly the dark spectrum – from horror to supernatural, to slipstream – and all points in between. That said, Splatterpunk and Bizarro fiction are probably not the right fit for this gathering. This is also not the venue for high fantasy or hard sci-fi, but if you have a shadowy urban fantasy or a dark tale that happens to take place upon a space freighter, that’s fine. Just make sure there’s no need to learn a new language in order to read the story. Seriously.
The key here is to offer our readers a cool creep, a sense of dread, and the tension of time from which they can’t escape. It’s your world. Build it, and drag the reader through it with the seconds ticking at their heels.
Of course we have the standard caveat of Gore for Gore’s sake and overused tropes are not going to fly. But you’re professionals and you don’t see a need to resort to cheap parlor tricks, or taking the easy road to reach nirvana.
One more important NO : No Sexual Abuse of Children, direct or implied. Period. It’s not a flexible point. If you’re unsure, query at and we’ll be happy to clarify and save you time or frustration.
Now for the nitty-gritties:
Submission deadline: December 31st, 2014Subs2
Word count: 15,000 – 25,000 firm
Pay: 3 cents / word
Reprints: No
Rights: First North American Serial Rights (FNASR) and Electronic Rights to distribute the text in multiple print and electronic formats for twelve months from publication, and a three-year non-exclusive worldwide license from the date of publication to continue to publish your work in other formats as part of the anthology volume in which it was first published without extending the license term and without constituting a new publication, and to keep that discrete anthology available in our salable inventory throughout that term.
(For example, we can re-publish the same anthology that includes your work in a cool new techno-format that comes along, but we can’t publish your work as part of a different anthology. Also, no matter what new format is added during the license term, our right to publish still ends three years after initial publication unless we re-negotiate with you.)
Format: Standard Manuscript Format with the following noted requirements.
== Scene breaks marked with ##
== Special formatting (italics, bolds, underlines) set up exactly as you want it printed.
== DO NOT USE TABS OR SPACES for Indents. I cannot stress this enough. DON’T Set the indent under your document paragraph settings, or just don’t indent.
== Do not use special quotes
== Saved as .doc, .docx, or .rtf format.
Send submissions to:
Subject line: "UNTIMELY HOURS –"
31 December 2014 -- The Time It Happened -- Third Flatiron
World-altering events. It should be the kind of thing everyone has a memory of. A time travel story or two may be okay under this theme.
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.
"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times."
Stories should be submitted in either Microsoft Word (using double spacing), RTF, or plain text. They should be between 1,500 and 3,000 words. Flash humor pieces (Grins and Gurgles) should be short, around 600 words.
Please don't send simultaneous or multiple submissions. If a story has been rejected, you can then send another.
Submit by email to either as an attachment (Word) or in the body of the mail (text).
In the Subject: line of the email, please put flatsubmit:Title_of_Your_Work to avoid being deemed a canned meat product based on ham.
If the work is for the humor section, please note that in the body of your email. A brief bio and a one- or two-sentence synopsis in the body of your email would also be helpful to us.
Your story must be original work, with the digital rights unencumbered. Accepted stories will be paid at the flat rate of 3 cents per word (U.S.), in return for the digital rights to the story for six months after publication. All other rights will remain with the author. We no longer offer royalties. If your story is selected as the lead story, beginning July 1, 2014, we will pay a flat rate of 6 cents per word (SFWA professional rate), in return for the permission to podcast or give the story away as a free sample portion of the anthology.
Third Flatiron will price and market your story to various e-publishing venues. We will format the story for the most popular electronic readers and platforms. You agree that we may distribute a sample (portion of the story) to potential customers.
For non-U.S. submissions, we prefer to pay via PayPal, if you have such an account.
Authors selected for publication will also be entitled to one free online copy of the anthology.
15 January 2015 -- Second Contact -- ed. Mike Rimar and Hayden Trenholm; Bundoran Press
Science Fiction is our conversation with the future. But what if we're talking with alien voices? Bundoran Press Publishing House will open for submissions from September 15th, 2014 to January 15th, 2015 for a new anthology of science fiction stories to be edited by Mike Rimar and Hayden Trenholm.
Second Contacts seeks stories which explore what happens fifty years after first contact, for us, for them, for our shared future. The possibilities are endless — conquest, collaboration, assimilation, or, even abandonment. On Earth, in space, or on alien planets, what will happen to individuals and societies after two generations or more of staring into alien eyes?
Payment for first world English rights (print and digital) will be $0.02 a word to a maximum payment of $130.00 (all figures Canadian dollars). Our preferred length is 3500 to 6500 words. We will accept stories of any length to 10,000 words but the maximum payment will remain $130.00. A limited number of reprints (please query before submitting) may be purchased at a flat rate of $50. Payment on publication.
Please submit in .rtf, .doc or .docx format.
31 January 2015 -- Dreams from the Witch House -- ed. Lynne Jamneck; Dark Regions Press
I will be editing an anthology of Lovecraftian fiction written by women, to be published by Dark Regions Press in 2015.
We have already solicited a selection of established authors to contribute work to the collection. As of 1 October 2014, I am officially accepting unsolicited submissions for an open call period that ends 31 January 2015.
The only set requirement for the anthology is that all submissions must be written by women. Submissions from international, multi-cultural and LGBT/GSD perspectives are encouraged, as this collection will aim to present the diversity of voices within the field of Lovecraftian fiction. All stories must be submitted in English.
There is no restriction on setting, so don't feel like you have to remain within the 1920's/1930's - far future stories, contemporary, steampunk, psychological, horror, fantasy/sf and, of course, historical settings are all welcome.
I am open to a wide interpretation of 'Lovecraftian', but I'm not looking for pastiche work. Nuanced weirdness welcome, as is the overtly strange.
Word count for submissions is set between 2000 and 10 000 words. If you would like to submit something shorter or longer, please query.
No simultaneous submissions or reprints.
Payment for accepted stories will be 5c per word up to 5k, then 3c per word over 5k.
Email submissions in Word .doc or .rtf file, formatted to standard manuscript specifications to:
witchesdreams AT gmail DOT com
UNTIL FILLED -- The Lost Worlds -- Eldritch Press ** First Posted August 2014
Please refer to the Submission Guidelines page for information on how and where to submit.
Include in the subject line of your submission Sub_The Lost Worlds_authors name
Updated Payment: Eight cents a word.
Story Length: Up to 20,000 novella length stories.
Rights Requested: One year exclusive rights upon publication.
This will be released in paperback, Limited Hardcover and E-book format.
Cover art will be revealed soon.
Steampunk is a difficult and demanding genre to write in. Therefore we are only accepting the best stories you can bring to the plate. To be published early next year.
"The Lost Worlds" will be a anthology in the Steampunk Horror Genre devoted to the post-apocalyptic theme. Send us worlds rebuilt by steam powered engines and mechanical marvels. Send us characters we can root for as they fight the good fight.
Send us worlds our readers can romanticize about, characters that jump off the page. We want to set the Steampunk world ablaze with "The Lost Worlds." So we only want your best.
Markets with specific deadlines are listed first, "Until Filled" markets are at the bottom. There are usually more details on the original site; always click through and read the full guidelines before submitting. Note that some publishers list multiple antho guidelines on one page, so after you click through you might have to scroll a bit.
NOTE: Temporally Out of Order opened to submissions only upon funding of their Kickstarter, and there's not a lot of lead time. It's a cool theme, though, and they're paying $.05/word, so I'm listing it for the speedy among you.
30 November 2014 -- Accessing the Future -- ed. Djibril al-Ayad and Kathryn Allan; Publishing
Inspired by the cyberpunk and feminist science fiction of yesterday and the DIY, open access, and hacktivist culture of today, Accessing the Future will be an anthology that explores the future potentials of technology to augment and challenge the physical environment and the human form—in all of its wonderful and complex diversity. We are particularly interested in stories that address issues of disability (invisible and visible, physical and mental), and the intersectionality of race, nationality, gender, sexuality, and class—in both physical and virtual spaces. Accessing the Future will be a collection of speculative fiction that places emphasis on the social, political, and material realms of being.
We want stories from as many diverse people as possible, especially from people with disabilities (visible and invisible, physical and mental), chronic illness or mental illness, who are neuroatypical, or people who have an understanding of the institutional and social construction of disability. We welcome stories from marginalized groups within the speculative fiction community (e.g., QUILTBAG, people of colour, non-North American writers), and from anyone with sensitivity to intersectional politics.
Payment and Rights
We pay $0.06/word (six cents a word) for global English first publication rights in print and digital format. The authors retain copyright.
Submission Guidelines
== Send your submissions to by midnight UTC on November 30th, 2014.
== Length 2500-7500 words (with a preference for 4000-6000 words).
== No reprints or simultaneous submissions.
== Attach your story as a .doc, .docx, or .rtf file, with your name, the story title, and the wordcount on the first page.
== We do not require or request that submitting writers identify themselves as a person with a disability, but we respect anyone’s desire to self-identify.
What We Want:
We want stories that place emphasis on intersectional narratives (rejection of, undoing, and speaking against ableist, heteronormative, racist, cissexist, and classist constructions) and that are informed by an understanding of disability issues and politics at individual and institutional levels. We want to read stories from writers that think critically about how prosthetic technologies, new virtual and physical environments, and genetic modifications will impact human bodies, our communities, and planet. Here are some questions we want writers to think about
== How will humanity modify the future world?
== What kinds of new spaces will there be to explore and inhabit? Who will have access to these spaces and in what ways?
== Given that we all already rely on (technological) tools to make our lives easier, what kinds of assistive and adaptive technologies will we use in the future?
== How will augmentations (from the prosthetic to the genetic) erase or exacerbate existing differences in ability, class, gender, sexuality, nationality, and race?
== What does an accessible future look like?
We Will Not Accept:
== Stories of “cure” (or where disability exists as a condition to be “fixed,” erased through genetic engineering, etc.)
== Depictions of people with disabilities as “extra special,” “magical,” or “inspirational” because of their disability.
== Stories that generally reproduce today’s dominant reductionist viewpoints of disability as a fixed identity and a problem to be solved.
== Any story that addresses disability in a realistic and “positive” way but contains any element that is racist, sexist, homophobic or otherwise insulting or harmful to other marginalized identities.
30 November 2014 -- Temporally Out of Order -- ed. Joshua Palmatier; Zombies Need Brains, LLC
While sitting at the airport waiting for a flight, I saw a phone booth with a note reading “Temporally Out of Order.” Obviously it was a typo, but the mistake takes on a whole new meaning when viewed from a science fiction/fantasy frame of mind. This anthology will take on the challenge of interpreting what “temporally out of order” could mean for modern day—or perhaps not so modern—gadgets, such as the cell phone, laptop, television, radio, iPod, or even that microwave or refrigerator!
Edited by Joshua Palmatier and Patricia Bray, it will contain approximately 14 stories with an average length of 6000 words each. The anthology will include short stories by: David B. Coe, Laura Anne Gilman, Faith Hunter, Stephen Leigh, Gini Koch, Seanan McGuire, and Laura Resnick. Additional authors will be added as stretch goals, including Jack Campbell, Jean Marie Ward, and Juliet E. McKenna. All other slots aside from the named authors will be filled by the open call for submissions following the successful completion of the Kickstarter.
[NOTE: Their Kickstarter did fund, so have at it. :) ]
1 December 2014 -- Stories for Chip: A Tribute to Samuel R. Delaney -- ed. Nisi Shawl and Bill Campbell; Rosarium Publishing
Our anthology-in-progress, Stories for Chip: A Tribute to Samuel R. Delany, will honor science fiction's living legend, the author of over 20 novels, approximately as many short stories, five notable memoirs and counting, and ten essential books of genre criticism. SFWA Grand Master, Science Fiction Hall of Fame inductee, and multiple award-winner Samuel R. Delany ("Chip" to his friends) has inspired and taught many of us in the fields of science fiction and fantasy, directly and indirectly, by example and by intent. We want to demonstrate to the world the power of his work through what we write, and thank him for the grace of his existence. Would you like to be part of this anthology? Read on.
Response time: You’ll hear back from us about your submission by January 29, 2015, at the latest.
Wordcount limits: 1000 to 10,000 for prose
Pay: minimum .05/word up to $400 total per story/essay for original prose; minimum .02/word up to $160 total per story/essay for reprint prose.
Note: Acceptance, contracts, and payments will follow a successful crowdfunding campaign. Campaign will run October 1 – 31, 2014.
We're accepting a very few reprints, and plan to include no more than five total in the book. We already have two in mind. You'll have a much easier time selling us original material.
What we're looking for: We want stories and critical essays that relate in some way to the strength and beauty of Samuel R. Delany’s body of work. This relationship can be made evident through allusions to the author himself; through allusions to his work's titles, characters, situations, settings, etc.; through evoking a Delanyesque atmosphere; or through analysis of any of these elements, in the case of nonfiction. We're hoping for essays which elucidate his important, lasting contributions to literature; and for fiction inspired by these contributions.
What we're not looking for: Please don't send us your parodies of Delany or his work. We're also not at all confident you'll impress us with your serious attempts to reproduce his style; if you must try us with something along those lines, be aware that's going to be an extremely hard sell. Further, because Delany's critical writing though rigorous, is so clear and easily understandable, we’re not at all interested in deliberately obscurantist, jargon-laden critical essays.
How to submit:
Once the submission period opens, we'll accept ELECTRONIC SUBMISSIONS ONLY. We’ll destroy unread anything you send before September 4 or after December 1. During that period, send your submissions as attached .rtf or .doc files to: In your message you can include any previous publishing credits you'd like to mention, and make any statement you care to make about your connections to Delany.
How to support without submitting: Check back here this February 2015 to participate in our crowdfunding campaign.
Publication and review copies: Our press is Rosarium, noted publisher of Mothership: Tales of Afrofuturism and Beyond. We expect to publish Stories for Chip in July 2015, and to make ARCs available to reviewers in March 2015.
[Click through for some info on the editors.]
15 December 2014 -- She Walks in Shadows -- Innsmouth Free Press
She Walks in Shadows, the first all-woman Lovecraft anthology, will hold an open submissions period from November 15, 2014 to December 15, 2014. DO NOT SEND STUFF BEFORE THAT DATE. Keep the following in mind:
Submit short stories inspired by the work of Lovecraft that focus on a woman or female deity. It may be a character from Lovecraft’s work or someone of your own creation. You are not restricted to the 1920s as a setting. Steampunk, dieselpunk, noir, and any other sub-genre you can imagine are fine with us. Give us your best and most polished work. And yes, you must be a woman to submit. Women only.
To avoid the Asenath effect (that means every character in the anthology would be Asenath Waite), we asked the authors who are contributing stories to pick a different character from a Lovecraft story. While you are not bound to these restrictions, we suggest that if you use a character from Lovecraft’s fiction, you avoid the usual suspects (Asenath and Lavinia).
Consider interesting and novel settings for your stories. Surely, strange Lovecraftian entities haunt contemporary Nunavut or the Inca fought strange webbed monstrosities centuries ago. Anne Boleyn, evil sorceress or woman fighting the good fight against the Mi-Go? We may never know. Or maybe we will.
POCs are highly encouraged to send stories. Transgender writers: same thing.
Stories may be sent in French, English, or Spanish. We can read all three languages.
Story length is up to 4,000 words with a pay rate of 6 cents a word (Canadian $, eh). No reprints, please.
Submit your final story as a Word or RTF attachment by the deadline to innsmouthfp(at)gmail(dot)com. Use the subject line: Slush Shadows. Include a cover letter with a biography (Yes, we want to know a bit about you), word count, and your name and contact information. Please use italics as italics, bold as bold, number your pages and the like.
We’ll get back to you early in 2015 with an answer.
We’ll be purchasing exclusive English language rights for 12 months. Exceptions: You may submit the story to award showcases, best of reprints, etc. We print in POD and release e-books. Due to this, we will ask for the right to maintain your story in print for a predetermined amount of time (5 years).
We’ll send you a contributor’s copy in each format released (paperback, hardcover, MOBI, ePub).
Questions can be directed to publisher(at)innsmouthfreepress(dot)com
30 December 2014 -- The Lost Worlds -- Eldritch Press
Payment: Six cents a word to keep pace with the SFWA guidelines for pro-pay markets.
Story Length: Up to 17,500/ novella length stories.
Deadline: Extended until December 30th 2014.
Rights Requested: Six months exclusive rights upon publication.
Cover art will be revealed soon.
Steampunk is a difficult and demanding genre to write in. Therefore we are only accepting the best stories you can bring to the plate. To be published early next year.
"The Lost Worlds" will be a anthology in the Steampunk Horror Genre devoted to the post-apocalyptic theme. Send us worlds rebuilt by steam powered engines and mechanical marvels. Send us characters we can root for as they fight the good fight.
Send us worlds our readers can romanticize about, characters that jump off the page. We want to set the Steampunk world ablaze with "The Lost Worlds." So we only want your best.
31 December 2014 -- Apotheosis -- ed. Jason Andrew; Simian Publishing
Apotheosis – Stories of human survival and defiance in a world subjugated by the return of the Elder Gods. Humanity struggled to grow and evolve as a species for thousands of years forever caught in the shadow of a dread threat known only to a devoted few. When the stars are right, the Old Ones will return to claim utter dominion of the world. Lovecraft Mythos stories often climax at the moment of the fateful return of the Elder Gods and the audience is left to ponder what might happen next. This anthology features stories about humanity under the reign of the Elder Gods and ancient terrors.
What do we mean by Lovecraft Mythos stories in relation to Apotheosis? We’re looking for stories inspired by the stories of H.P. Lovecraft and associated writers such as August Derleth, Clark Ashton Smith, Robert E. Howard , Robert Bloch, Henry Kuttner, and Frank Belknap Long. We’re also interested in writers that inspired Lovecraft such as Edgar Allan Poe, Algernon Blackwood and Lord Dunsany. We’re interested in classic mythos gods and monsters and originals that have inspired by the mythos.
Good Fiction Examples:
== " Boojum" by Elizabeth Bear & Sarah Monette
== "A Colder War" by Charlie Stross
== In the Hall of the Yellow King by Peter Rawlik
What type of stories are we looking for? We’re looking for character-driven stories set during a time in the future where the ancient terrors that once ruled the Earth have claimed complete and utter dominion of the Earth. We’re less concerned about the strict interpretation of the Elder Gods than good stories that deal with real human concerns. How do people survive? How does life change? Will people accept their new gods or will they rebel? What will it mean to be human in such a world of gods and monsters? Surprise us. Don’t give us stories that we’ve read before. We want worlds that feel real populated by characters from different cultures, genders, and ethnicities. Avoid cultural appropriation. Do your homework.
What types of submissions should I avoid? We’re not as interested in the moment the ancient horrors return and conquer the world, but how humanity survives after the war is lost. Flashbacks are OK, but the story should not be about that time. We enjoy historical mythos fiction, but this is not the anthology for it. Stories must be set in the future. We are not looking for poetry for this anthology.
Submission Details:
== Word-count: 2,000 to 7,000 Worldwide print and e-book rights (exclusive for 6 months, non-exclusive for an additional 30 months).Exceptions will be made for stories accepted for “Best Of” anthologies. Apotheosis will be available in both Print on Demand and e-book formats.
== Submissions open November 1, 2014, and will close at 11:59 PST on December 31, 2014. You may submit at: (Do not submit before November 1st 2014 or your submission will be deleted)
== Queries and questions may be sent to : (You may send queries and questions anytime.) All responses will be accepted or rejected by January 15th, 2015. Please do not query about submitted stories before then. No multiple or simultaneous submissions. Our word count limits are hard for open submissions. Reprints may be submitted, but we’re only accepting three or four at the most. (It should be clearly stated that the submission is a reprint in your cover later or this will be an automatic rejection later.)
== Please use standard format guidelines. If it is difficult to read, we will reject your story. Your story must include your name, address, telephone number, email address, and approximate word count on the first page. Your cover letter should include your complete contact information, story title, approximate word count, and a short bio.
== Payment: 3 cents per word (or 1 cent per word for reprints), paid within 90 days after publication. Plus contributor copy of print and e-book.
31 December 2014 -- SNAFU II: Survival of the Fittest -- ed. Geoff Brown and Amanda J Spedding; Cohesion Press
For this anthology, we want survival horror featuring soldiers.
Survival horror says it all. Resident Evil… Silent Hill… with soldiers. Straining to make that one clip of rounds last. Making sure not to waste a single bullet. Lost in the shadows, low on ammo, only edged weapons, and/or wounded, fighting to survive, the last remnants of the mission team trying to make sense of where they had gone wrong, and how to make it out alive with next-to-no resources.
We still want military combat from any period, don’t get me wrong, but we also want fear… we want suspense and tension… we want originality in the monster/antagonist, and how they are finally overcome. To allow for this building of atmosphere and tension, we have upped the word limit to 10,000.
And then, we want something jaw-droppingly amazing.
We STRONGLY suggest you read the first and/or second SNAFU volume to see what it is we like.
SNAFU: Heroes –
SNAFU II will hold novellas by some best-selling authors, with announcements to come soon.
== Edited by Geoff Brown and Amanda J Spedding
== Payment: AUD4c/word and one contributor copy in each format released
== Wordcount range: 1,000 – 10,000 words (query for shorter or longer)
== Submission window: October 1 – December 31, 2014 (anything submitted outside of this window will be deleted without being read)
== Projected publication date: Second Quarter 2015
Please follow these guidelines when submitting to us:
1. Please put your full contact details on the first page of the manuscript top left, with word count top right.
2. Standard submission format, with minimal document formatting.
3. Courier or Times New Roman set at 12pt. Italics as they will appear. No underlining.
4. Double spaced.
5. Please don’t use TAB or space bar to indent lines. Use ‘styles’ only. If unsure or using a program that has no styles, do not indent at all. That’s still cool.
6. NO SPACE between paragraphs unless a line-break is required. ONE SPACE after full stops.
7. Please put full contact details on the first page of the manuscript (yes, I said this twice… it’s important).
8. Send your submission to Geoff Brown at as an attachment (doc or docx).
9. In the subject line of your email, please put SNAFU2: [STORY TITLE]
(Replace [STORY TITLE] with your actual story title. Yes, unfortunately I do need to state this)
For a guide to standard submission format, see:
The only variation to this format is that italics MUST appear as they will be used; no underlining.
Anyone that fails to follow these guidelines will likely see their story gobbled up by spam gremlins.
31 December 2014 -- Villains Inc -- ed. Tan-ni Fan; Less Than Three Press
Villains, Inc. — An Anthology Call — Tired of goody-two-shoes? Why should those "glowing heroes of good" get all the glory? Villains! They can be antiheroes, misunderstood, or just people who love to cause chaos for the sheer madness of it all. LT3 is seeking stories where the focus is, for once, on the baddies. The badder the better!
Please note, Less than Three has a strong policy against stories with themes of non-consent.
== Deadline is December 31, 2014 (give or take, we won’t kill you for sending it off the following morning).
== Stories should be at least 10,000 words and should not exceed approx 20,000 words in length.
== Stories may be any pairing except cisgender heterosexual M/F (trans* M/F, M/M, F/F, poly, and all permutations thereof are acceptable).
== Stories must have a happily ever after (HEA) or happy for now (HFN) end.
== Any sub-genre is gladly accepted: sci-fi, mystery, contemporary, steampunk, etc.
== All usual LT3 submission guidelines apply.
Villains, Inc. is a general release anthology, meaning stories will be sold as a compiled ebook in the LT3 book market. Payment will be $200 on acceptance of the story. Authors will receive one copy each of the ebook formats LT3 produces and two copies of the paperback compilation.
Stories should be complete before submitting, and as edited as possible. They can be submitted in any format (doc, docx, rtf, odt, etc) preferably single spaced in an easy to read font (Times, Calibri, Arial) with no special formatting (no elaborate section separation, special fonts, etc). Additional formatting guidelines can be found on the above-linked submissions page.
IMPORTANT: This anthology is being coordinated and edited by one of LT3′s senior editors, Tan-ni Fan. To submit, please send your manuscript to Include the following in your email:
== Put SUBMISSIONS in the subject line! Emails without this subject line run the risk of not being seen or read, so please, do not forget this!
== Your real name, pen name (if you use one), and preferred email address.
== The approximate total length of the completed story.
== A brief summary of the story, not to exceed approximately 200 words in length.
== Attach the complete manuscript in .doc, .docx, or .odt format.
Any questions/concerns should be directed to the Editor, Tan-ni Fan at (or you can ping her on twitter @tannifan).
[NOTE: Less Than Three is a romance press, and is looking for romance stories. Romance presses often assume you know this without being told.]
31 December 2014 -- A Collection of Untimely Hours -- Dark Recesses Press
Dark Recesses Press is now accepting short novella length submissions for A Collection of Untimely Hours. Between four and six stories will be selected for this themed anthology.
The theme is time. The genre is dark fiction. A broad spectrum, we know, but what we mean by this is truly the dark spectrum – from horror to supernatural, to slipstream – and all points in between. That said, Splatterpunk and Bizarro fiction are probably not the right fit for this gathering. This is also not the venue for high fantasy or hard sci-fi, but if you have a shadowy urban fantasy or a dark tale that happens to take place upon a space freighter, that’s fine. Just make sure there’s no need to learn a new language in order to read the story. Seriously.
The key here is to offer our readers a cool creep, a sense of dread, and the tension of time from which they can’t escape. It’s your world. Build it, and drag the reader through it with the seconds ticking at their heels.
Of course we have the standard caveat of Gore for Gore’s sake and overused tropes are not going to fly. But you’re professionals and you don’t see a need to resort to cheap parlor tricks, or taking the easy road to reach nirvana.
One more important NO : No Sexual Abuse of Children, direct or implied. Period. It’s not a flexible point. If you’re unsure, query at and we’ll be happy to clarify and save you time or frustration.
Now for the nitty-gritties:
Submission deadline: December 31st, 2014Subs2
Word count: 15,000 – 25,000 firm
Pay: 3 cents / word
Reprints: No
Rights: First North American Serial Rights (FNASR) and Electronic Rights to distribute the text in multiple print and electronic formats for twelve months from publication, and a three-year non-exclusive worldwide license from the date of publication to continue to publish your work in other formats as part of the anthology volume in which it was first published without extending the license term and without constituting a new publication, and to keep that discrete anthology available in our salable inventory throughout that term.
(For example, we can re-publish the same anthology that includes your work in a cool new techno-format that comes along, but we can’t publish your work as part of a different anthology. Also, no matter what new format is added during the license term, our right to publish still ends three years after initial publication unless we re-negotiate with you.)
Format: Standard Manuscript Format with the following noted requirements.
== Scene breaks marked with ##
== Special formatting (italics, bolds, underlines) set up exactly as you want it printed.
== DO NOT USE TABS OR SPACES for Indents. I cannot stress this enough. DON’T Set the indent under your document paragraph settings, or just don’t indent.
== Do not use special quotes
== Saved as .doc, .docx, or .rtf format.
Send submissions to:
Subject line: "UNTIMELY HOURS –
31 December 2014 -- The Time It Happened -- Third Flatiron
World-altering events. It should be the kind of thing everyone has a memory of. A time travel story or two may be okay under this theme.
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.
"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times."
Stories should be submitted in either Microsoft Word (using double spacing), RTF, or plain text. They should be between 1,500 and 3,000 words. Flash humor pieces (Grins and Gurgles) should be short, around 600 words.
Please don't send simultaneous or multiple submissions. If a story has been rejected, you can then send another.
Submit by email to either as an attachment (Word) or in the body of the mail (text).
In the Subject: line of the email, please put flatsubmit:Title_of_Your_Work to avoid being deemed a canned meat product based on ham.
If the work is for the humor section, please note that in the body of your email. A brief bio and a one- or two-sentence synopsis in the body of your email would also be helpful to us.
Your story must be original work, with the digital rights unencumbered. Accepted stories will be paid at the flat rate of 3 cents per word (U.S.), in return for the digital rights to the story for six months after publication. All other rights will remain with the author. We no longer offer royalties. If your story is selected as the lead story, beginning July 1, 2014, we will pay a flat rate of 6 cents per word (SFWA professional rate), in return for the permission to podcast or give the story away as a free sample portion of the anthology.
Third Flatiron will price and market your story to various e-publishing venues. We will format the story for the most popular electronic readers and platforms. You agree that we may distribute a sample (portion of the story) to potential customers.
For non-U.S. submissions, we prefer to pay via PayPal, if you have such an account.
Authors selected for publication will also be entitled to one free online copy of the anthology.
15 January 2015 -- Second Contact -- ed. Mike Rimar and Hayden Trenholm; Bundoran Press
Science Fiction is our conversation with the future. But what if we're talking with alien voices? Bundoran Press Publishing House will open for submissions from September 15th, 2014 to January 15th, 2015 for a new anthology of science fiction stories to be edited by Mike Rimar and Hayden Trenholm.
Second Contacts seeks stories which explore what happens fifty years after first contact, for us, for them, for our shared future. The possibilities are endless — conquest, collaboration, assimilation, or, even abandonment. On Earth, in space, or on alien planets, what will happen to individuals and societies after two generations or more of staring into alien eyes?
Payment for first world English rights (print and digital) will be $0.02 a word to a maximum payment of $130.00 (all figures Canadian dollars). Our preferred length is 3500 to 6500 words. We will accept stories of any length to 10,000 words but the maximum payment will remain $130.00. A limited number of reprints (please query before submitting) may be purchased at a flat rate of $50. Payment on publication.
Please submit in .rtf, .doc or .docx format.
31 January 2015 -- Dreams from the Witch House -- ed. Lynne Jamneck; Dark Regions Press
I will be editing an anthology of Lovecraftian fiction written by women, to be published by Dark Regions Press in 2015.
We have already solicited a selection of established authors to contribute work to the collection. As of 1 October 2014, I am officially accepting unsolicited submissions for an open call period that ends 31 January 2015.
The only set requirement for the anthology is that all submissions must be written by women. Submissions from international, multi-cultural and LGBT/GSD perspectives are encouraged, as this collection will aim to present the diversity of voices within the field of Lovecraftian fiction. All stories must be submitted in English.
There is no restriction on setting, so don't feel like you have to remain within the 1920's/1930's - far future stories, contemporary, steampunk, psychological, horror, fantasy/sf and, of course, historical settings are all welcome.
I am open to a wide interpretation of 'Lovecraftian', but I'm not looking for pastiche work. Nuanced weirdness welcome, as is the overtly strange.
Word count for submissions is set between 2000 and 10 000 words. If you would like to submit something shorter or longer, please query.
No simultaneous submissions or reprints.
Payment for accepted stories will be 5c per word up to 5k, then 3c per word over 5k.
Email submissions in Word .doc or .rtf file, formatted to standard manuscript specifications to:
witchesdreams AT gmail DOT com
UNTIL FILLED -- The Lost Worlds -- Eldritch Press ** First Posted August 2014
Please refer to the Submission Guidelines page for information on how and where to submit.
Include in the subject line of your submission Sub_The Lost Worlds_authors name
Updated Payment: Eight cents a word.
Story Length: Up to 20,000 novella length stories.
Rights Requested: One year exclusive rights upon publication.
This will be released in paperback, Limited Hardcover and E-book format.
Cover art will be revealed soon.
Steampunk is a difficult and demanding genre to write in. Therefore we are only accepting the best stories you can bring to the plate. To be published early next year.
"The Lost Worlds" will be a anthology in the Steampunk Horror Genre devoted to the post-apocalyptic theme. Send us worlds rebuilt by steam powered engines and mechanical marvels. Send us characters we can root for as they fight the good fight.
Send us worlds our readers can romanticize about, characters that jump off the page. We want to set the Steampunk world ablaze with "The Lost Worlds." So we only want your best.
Friday, October 24, 2014
The Safety Vid of the Ring
An airline safety vid you'll actually want to watch. Air New Zealand made a Middle Earth themed safety video starting Peter Jackson, Elijah Wood, Richard Taylor, and a bunch of other Rings/Hobbit actors. It's great fun, and worth a watch even if you're not planning on flying any time soon.
Monday, October 20, 2014
Great Kickstarter Advice
A band called the Doubleclicks ran a ridiculously successful Kickstarter campaign in February (over $80K funded of an $18K goal) and wrote up a great -- if long, but long is good for this sort of thing -- article on how to do it. Good stuff, go read it. Thanks to John Scalzi for the link.
One thing I've always wondered about was the stretch goal thing. You know, how we're asking for $20K, but if we reach $25K we'll send everyone who backs us a free T-shirt or something? So you've basically got $5K to spend on T-shirts. That sounds like a lot, but what if you have a lot of people each making small contributions, rather than a smaller number of people each giving more? That's the same amount of money but more shirts owed. What about postage? What about packaging? What if you actually take in $100K, which sounds awesome but if that's another 10K people you have to send T-shirts to, plus whatever higher-level stretch goal premiums you promised...?
Clearly there's a way of making this work -- the whole cost + packaging + shipping thing probably explains why things like wallpapers are so popular as stretch goal premiums -- but just as clearly some people don't think about the details when they design their campaign. The Doubleclicks suggest very thoroughly spreadsheeting everything before you take step one of putting your campaign up. Smart advice; everyone should do it.
Another interesting point was that you need to look at how many active fans you have -- people who already know you, like your work, and who are regularly in touch through a newsletter or your web site or Twitter or whatever you use. That number is a key factor in how much money you can realistically ask for. People who are already popular will be able to raise more money. People who are just starting out and have no friends outside their mother and their office mate at the day job will have a much harder time. Again, it makes sense, but some people seem to think Kickstarter is a magic pot of money that they just have to reach out and take. The Doubleclicks talk about how to analyze the size of your existing network, compare it with successful campaigns run by people in your business and the size of their networks at the time their campaign started, and figure out about how much you can realistically hope to get. Math is good when you're dealing with money.
There's a lot of great info here -- if you've ever thought of doing a crowdfunding campaign, or might some day, go check it out.
One thing I've always wondered about was the stretch goal thing. You know, how we're asking for $20K, but if we reach $25K we'll send everyone who backs us a free T-shirt or something? So you've basically got $5K to spend on T-shirts. That sounds like a lot, but what if you have a lot of people each making small contributions, rather than a smaller number of people each giving more? That's the same amount of money but more shirts owed. What about postage? What about packaging? What if you actually take in $100K, which sounds awesome but if that's another 10K people you have to send T-shirts to, plus whatever higher-level stretch goal premiums you promised...?
Clearly there's a way of making this work -- the whole cost + packaging + shipping thing probably explains why things like wallpapers are so popular as stretch goal premiums -- but just as clearly some people don't think about the details when they design their campaign. The Doubleclicks suggest very thoroughly spreadsheeting everything before you take step one of putting your campaign up. Smart advice; everyone should do it.
Another interesting point was that you need to look at how many active fans you have -- people who already know you, like your work, and who are regularly in touch through a newsletter or your web site or Twitter or whatever you use. That number is a key factor in how much money you can realistically ask for. People who are already popular will be able to raise more money. People who are just starting out and have no friends outside their mother and their office mate at the day job will have a much harder time. Again, it makes sense, but some people seem to think Kickstarter is a magic pot of money that they just have to reach out and take. The Doubleclicks talk about how to analyze the size of your existing network, compare it with successful campaigns run by people in your business and the size of their networks at the time their campaign started, and figure out about how much you can realistically hope to get. Math is good when you're dealing with money.
There's a lot of great info here -- if you've ever thought of doing a crowdfunding campaign, or might some day, go check it out.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Anthology Markets
If you've just wandered in off the internet, hi and welcome. :) I do these posts every month, so if this post isn't dated in the same month you're in, click here to make sure you're seeing the most recent one.
Markets with specific deadlines are listed first, "Until Filled" markets are at the bottom. There are usually more details on the original site; always click through and read the full guidelines before submitting. Note that some publishers list multiple antho guidelines on one page, so after you click through you might have to scroll a bit.
31 October 2014 -- Blurring the Line -- ed. Marty Young; Cohesion Press
Do you really know what’s real and what isn’t?
A man called Arnold Paole was accused of being a vampire in 1732 in Yugoslavia, after his body was dug up five years after his death and found with long pointed teeth and nails, with blood in his mouth.
The Mothman of West Virginia was a winged man-sized creature with glowing red eyes and huge moth-like wings sprouting from its back, seen repeatedly during 1967 and 1968.
In 1977, a dead creature that looked a lot like a plesiosaur was caught in the nets of a Japanese fishing vessel, the Zuiyo-maru, offshore east of Christchurch, New Zealand.
The sage Apollonius of Tyana, born in Turkey at the start of the first century AD, hunted demons, and once saved one of his students from a vampire who was going to drink his blood and eat his soul.
These are all supposedly true stories. And there are more, more tales of monsters that shouldn’t exist, of demons and devil possession, of serial killers wearing human skin, ghosts terrorizing families…
But these tales also sound like fiction, don’t they?
Blurring the Line (working title) is seeking to blur the line between what is fiction and what is non-fiction. We want horror stories, tales that are serious and frightening, hard-hitting and imaginative. We want monsters; vampires and zombies and werewolves and the mummy and creatures from the Black Lagoon and giant killer plants and mutated ants and demons and devils and Mothmen and everything else you can think of or that hasn’t been thought of yet. But we also want your serial killers and demented and depraved humanity. We want it all. Push your imagination and take us into the far reaches of your darkness, without letting go of reality. Make us believe.
BUT, we want to be scared, made to feel uneasy and uncomfortable. We do not want to be shocked for no reason; if you’re going to eviscerate someone, there needs to be a good reason for doing so. We want style over shock value. We do not want supernatural romance, or weird fiction. We’re not looking for tales about a monster hunter or a covert monster hunting team (we love these stories but they’re not what we’re looking for here).
Details on the non-fiction component of Blurring the Line will be announced later in 2014, so keep an eye out for this.
Interior artwork will be by the super brilliant Alex McVey, and his pieces will combine to tell a horrifying story of their own.
1. Please put your full contact details on the first page of the manuscript top left, with word count top right.
2. Standard submission format, with minimal document formatting.
3. Courier or Times New Roman set at 12pt. Italics as they will appear. No underlining.
4. Double spaced.
5. Please don’t use TAB or space bar to indent lines. Use ‘styles’ only. If unsure or using a program that has no styles, do not indent at all. That’s still cool.
7. NO LINE between paragraphs unless a line-break is required.
8. Please put full contact details on the first page of the manuscript (yes, I said this twice… it’s important).
9. Send your submission to Marty Young at martyyoung2002[@] as an attachment. In the subject line of your email, please put Submission: [STORY TITLE]
(Replace [STORY TITLE] with your actual story title. Yes, unfortunately I do need to state this)
The only variation to this format is that italics MUST appear as they will be used; no underlining.
Anyone that fails to follow these guidelines will likely see their story gobbled up by spam gremlins.
[Click through for some about-the-editor info.]
5 November 2014 -- Hear Me Roar -- ed. Liz Grzyb; Ticonderoga Publications
This anthology, with the working title Hear Me Roar, is looking at kick-arse chicks of all varieties in a speculative fiction world – female superheroes, scientists, subversives and rulers. We want character-driven stories with strong female protagonists.
The stories can be any variety of speculative fiction: science fiction, fantasy, horror, paranormal romance, urban fantasy or a mix.
We are not looking for stories where women are objectified, where there is gratuitous gore or erotica.
The anthology will be edited by Liz Grzyb, award-winning editor of eight anthologies including The Year’s Best Australian Fantasy and Horror, and will be published by Ticonderoga Publications in 2015.
Submission guidelines
Send me your best speculative fiction story featuring strong women.
== Story length 2,500 to 7,500 words. (Longer stories may be accepted, although payment is capped at 7,500).
== Original stories only: no reprints, multiple, or simultaneous submissions.
== Stories may be submitted via email at in .doc or .rtf format.
== Manuscript format: double spaced, large margins, sensible serif font, Australian English spelling.
== Submissions period open: 21 April – 5 November 2014.
== Payment: 2 copies of print anthology and Aus 2.5 cents/word (GST inc., maximum payment $187.50) on publication.
30 November 2014 -- Accessing the Future -- ed. Djibril al-Ayad and Kathryn Allan; Publishing
Inspired by the cyberpunk and feminist science fiction of yesterday and the DIY, open access, and hacktivist culture of today, Accessing the Future will be an anthology that explores the future potentials of technology to augment and challenge the physical environment and the human form—in all of its wonderful and complex diversity. We are particularly interested in stories that address issues of disability (invisible and visible, physical and mental), and the intersectionality of race, nationality, gender, sexuality, and class—in both physical and virtual spaces. Accessing the Future will be a collection of speculative fiction that places emphasis on the social, political, and material realms of being.
We want stories from as many diverse people as possible, especially from people with disabilities (visible and invisible, physical and mental), chronic illness or mental illness, who are neuroatypical, or people who have an understanding of the institutional and social construction of disability. We welcome stories from marginalized groups within the speculative fiction community (e.g., QUILTBAG, people of colour, non-North American writers), and from anyone with sensitivity to intersectional politics.
Payment and Rights
We pay $0.06/word (six cents a word) for global English first publication rights in print and digital format. The authors retain copyright.
Submission Guidelines
== Send your submissions to by midnight UTC on November 30th, 2014.
== Length 2500-7500 words (with a preference for 4000-6000 words).
== No reprints or simultaneous submissions.
== Attach your story as a .doc, .docx, or .rtf file, with your name, the story title, and the wordcount on the first page.
== We do not require or request that submitting writers identify themselves as a person with a disability, but we respect anyone’s desire to self-identify.
What We Want:
We want stories that place emphasis on intersectional narratives (rejection of, undoing, and speaking against ableist, heteronormative, racist, cissexist, and classist constructions) and that are informed by an understanding of disability issues and politics at individual and institutional levels. We want to read stories from writers that think critically about how prosthetic technologies, new virtual and physical environments, and genetic modifications will impact human bodies, our communities, and planet. Here are some questions we want writers to think about
== How will humanity modify the future world?
== What kinds of new spaces will there be to explore and inhabit? Who will have access to these spaces and in what ways?
== Given that we all already rely on (technological) tools to make our lives easier, what kinds of assistive and adaptive technologies will we use in the future?
== How will augmentations (from the prosthetic to the genetic) erase or exacerbate existing differences in ability, class, gender, sexuality, nationality, and race?
== What does an accessible future look like?
We Will Not Accept:
== Stories of “cure” (or where disability exists as a condition to be “fixed,” erased through genetic engineering, etc.)
== Depictions of people with disabilities as “extra special,” “magical,” or “inspirational” because of their disability.
== Stories that generally reproduce today’s dominant reductionist viewpoints of disability as a fixed identity and a problem to be solved.
== Any story that addresses disability in a realistic and “positive” way but contains any element that is racist, sexist, homophobic or otherwise insulting or harmful to other marginalized identities.
1 December 2014 -- Stories for Chip: A Tribute to Samuel R. Delaney -- ed. Nisi Shawl and Bill Campbell; Rosarium Publishing
Our anthology-in-progress, Stories for Chip: A Tribute to Samuel R. Delany, will honor science fiction's living legend, the author of over 20 novels, approximately as many short stories, five notable memoirs and counting, and ten essential books of genre criticism. SFWA Grand Master, Science Fiction Hall of Fame inductee, and multiple award-winner Samuel R. Delany ("Chip" to his friends) has inspired and taught many of us in the fields of science fiction and fantasy, directly and indirectly, by example and by intent. We want to demonstrate to the world the power of his work through what we write, and thank him for the grace of his existence. Would you like to be part of this anthology? Read on.
Response time: You’ll hear back from us about your submission by January 29, 2015, at the latest.
Wordcount limits: 1000 to 10,000 for prose
Pay: minimum .05/word up to $400 total per story/essay for original prose; minimum .02/word up to $160 total per story/essay for reprint prose.
Note: Acceptance, contracts, and payments will follow a successful crowdfunding campaign. Campaign will run October 1 – 31, 2014.
We're accepting a very few reprints, and plan to include no more than five total in the book. We already have two in mind. You'll have a much easier time selling us original material.
What we're looking for: We want stories and critical essays that relate in some way to the strength and beauty of Samuel R. Delany’s body of work. This relationship can be made evident through allusions to the author himself; through allusions to his work's titles, characters, situations, settings, etc.; through evoking a Delanyesque atmosphere; or through analysis of any of these elements, in the case of nonfiction. We're hoping for essays which elucidate his important, lasting contributions to literature; and for fiction inspired by these contributions.
What we're not looking for: Please don't send us your parodies of Delany or his work. We're also not at all confident you'll impress us with your serious attempts to reproduce his style; if you must try us with something along those lines, be aware that's going to be an extremely hard sell. Further, because Delany's critical writing though rigorous, is so clear and easily understandable, we’re not at all interested in deliberately obscurantist, jargon-laden critical essays.
How to submit:
Once the submission period opens, we'll accept ELECTRONIC SUBMISSIONS ONLY. We’ll destroy unread anything you send before September 4 or after December 1. During that period, send your submissions as attached .rtf or .doc files to: In your message you can include any previous publishing credits you'd like to mention, and make any statement you care to make about your connections to Delany.
How to support without submitting: Check back here this February 2015 to participate in our crowdfunding campaign.
Publication and review copies: Our press is Rosarium, noted publisher of Mothership: Tales of Afrofuturism and Beyond. We expect to publish Stories for Chip in July 2015, and to make ARCs available to reviewers in March 2015.
[Click through for some info on the editors.]
15 December 2014 -- She Walks in Shadows -- Innsmouth Free Press
She Walks in Shadows, the first all-woman Lovecraft anthology, will hold an open submissions period from November 15, 2014 to December 15, 2014. DO NOT SEND STUFF BEFORE THAT DATE. Keep the following in mind:
Submit short stories inspired by the work of Lovecraft that focus on a woman or female deity. It may be a character from Lovecraft’s work or someone of your own creation. You are not restricted to the 1920s as a setting. Steampunk, dieselpunk, noir, and any other sub-genre you can imagine are fine with us. Give us your best and most polished work. And yes, you must be a woman to submit. Women only.
To avoid the Asenath effect (that means every character in the anthology would be Asenath Waite), we asked the authors who are contributing stories to pick a different character from a Lovecraft story. While you are not bound to these restrictions, we suggest that if you use a character from Lovecraft’s fiction, you avoid the usual suspects (Asenath and Lavinia).
Consider interesting and novel settings for your stories. Surely, strange Lovecraftian entities haunt contemporary Nunavut or the Inca fought strange webbed monstrosities centuries ago. Anne Boleyn, evil sorceress or woman fighting the good fight against the Mi-Go? We may never know. Or maybe we will.
POCs are highly encouraged to send stories. Transgender writers: same thing.
Stories may be sent in French, English, or Spanish. We can read all three languages.
Story length is up to 4,000 words with a pay rate of 6 cents a word (Canadian $, eh). No reprints, please.
Submit your final story as a Word or RTF attachment by the deadline to innsmouthfp(at)gmail(dot)com. Use the subject line: Slush Shadows. Include a cover letter with a biography (Yes, we want to know a bit about you), word count, and your name and contact information. Please use italics as italics, bold as bold, number your pages and the like.
We’ll get back to you early in 2015 with an answer.
We’ll be purchasing exclusive English language rights for 12 months. Exceptions: You may submit the story to award showcases, best of reprints, etc. We print in POD and release e-books. Due to this, we will ask for the right to maintain your story in print for a predetermined amount of time (5 years).
We’ll send you a contributor’s copy in each format released (paperback, hardcover, MOBI, ePub).
Questions can be directed to publisher(at)innsmouthfreepress(dot)com
30 December 2014 -- The Lost Worlds -- Eldritch Press
Payment: Six cents a word to keep pace with the SFWA guidelines for pro-pay markets.
Story Length: Up to 17,500/ novella length stories.
Deadline: Extended until December 30th 2014.
Rights Requested: Six months exclusive rights upon publication.
Cover art will be revealed soon.
Steampunk is a difficult and demanding genre to write in. Therefore we are only accepting the best stories you can bring to the plate. To be published early next year.
"The Lost Worlds" will be a anthology in the Steampunk Horror Genre devoted to the post-apocalyptic theme. Send us worlds rebuilt by steam powered engines and mechanical marvels. Send us characters we can root for as they fight the good fight.
Send us worlds our readers can romanticize about, characters that jump off the page. We want to set the Steampunk world ablaze with "The Lost Worlds." So we only want your best.
31 December 2014 -- Apotheosis -- ed. Jason Andrew; Simian Publishing
Apotheosis – Stories of human survival and defiance in a world subjugated by the return of the Elder Gods. Humanity struggled to grow and evolve as a species for thousands of years forever caught in the shadow of a dread threat known only to a devoted few. When the stars are right, the Old Ones will return to claim utter dominion of the world. Lovecraft Mythos stories often climax at the moment of the fateful return of the Elder Gods and the audience is left to ponder what might happen next. This anthology features stories about humanity under the reign of the Elder Gods and ancient terrors.
What do we mean by Lovecraft Mythos stories in relation to Apotheosis? We’re looking for stories inspired by the stories of H.P. Lovecraft and associated writers such as August Derleth, Clark Ashton Smith, Robert E. Howard , Robert Bloch, Henry Kuttner, and Frank Belknap Long. We’re also interested in writers that inspired Lovecraft such as Edgar Allan Poe, Algernon Blackwood and Lord Dunsany. We’re interested in classic mythos gods and monsters and originals that have inspired by the mythos.
Good Fiction Examples:
== " Boojum" by Elizabeth Bear & Sarah Monette
== "A Colder War" by Charlie Stross
== In the Hall of the Yellow King by Peter Rawlik
What type of stories are we looking for? We’re looking for character-driven stories set during a time in the future where the ancient terrors that once ruled the Earth have claimed complete and utter dominion of the Earth. We’re less concerned about the strict interpretation of the Elder Gods than good stories that deal with real human concerns. How do people survive? How does life change? Will people accept their new gods or will they rebel? What will it mean to be human in such a world of gods and monsters? Surprise us. Don’t give us stories that we’ve read before. We want worlds that feel real populated by characters from different cultures, genders, and ethnicities. Avoid cultural appropriation. Do your homework.
What types of submissions should I avoid? We’re not as interested in the moment the ancient horrors return and conquer the world, but how humanity survives after the war is lost. Flashbacks are OK, but the story should not be about that time. We enjoy historical mythos fiction, but this is not the anthology for it. Stories must be set in the future. We are not looking for poetry for this anthology.
Submission Details:
== Word-count: 2,000 to 7,000 Worldwide print and e-book rights (exclusive for 6 months, non-exclusive for an additional 30 months).Exceptions will be made for stories accepted for “Best Of” anthologies. Apotheosis will be available in both Print on Demand and e-book formats.
== Submissions open November 1, 2014, and will close at 11:59 PST on December 31, 2014. You may submit at: (Do not submit before November 1st 2014 or your submission will be deleted)
== Queries and questions may be sent to : (You may send queries and questions anytime.) All responses will be accepted or rejected by January 15th, 2015. Please do not query about submitted stories before then. No multiple or simultaneous submissions. Our word count limits are hard for open submissions. Reprints may be submitted, but we’re only accepting three or four at the most. (It should be clearly stated that the submission is a reprint in your cover later or this will be an automatic rejection later.)
== Please use standard format guidelines. If it is difficult to read, we will reject your story. Your story must include your name, address, telephone number, email address, and approximate word count on the first page. Your cover letter should include your complete contact information, story title, approximate word count, and a short bio.
== Payment: 3 cents per word (or 1 cent per word for reprints), paid within 90 days after publication. Plus contributor copy of print and e-book.
31 December 2014 -- SNAFU II: Survival of the Fittest -- ed. Geoff Brown and Amanda J Spedding; Cohesion Press
For this anthology, we want survival horror featuring soldiers.
Survival horror says it all. Resident Evil… Silent Hill… with soldiers. Straining to make that one clip of rounds last. Making sure not to waste a single bullet. Lost in the shadows, low on ammo, only edged weapons, and/or wounded, fighting to survive, the last remnants of the mission team trying to make sense of where they had gone wrong, and how to make it out alive with next-to-no resources.
We still want military combat from any period, don’t get me wrong, but we also want fear… we want suspense and tension… we want originality in the monster/antagonist, and how they are finally overcome. To allow for this building of atmosphere and tension, we have upped the word limit to 10,000.
And then, we want something jaw-droppingly amazing.
We STRONGLY suggest you read the first and/or second SNAFU volume to see what it is we like.
SNAFU: Heroes –
SNAFU II will hold novellas by some best-selling authors, with announcements to come soon.
== Edited by Geoff Brown and Amanda J Spedding
== Payment: AUD4c/word and one contributor copy in each format released
== Wordcount range: 1,000 – 10,000 words (query for shorter or longer)
== Submission window: October 1 – December 31, 2014 (anything submitted outside of this window will be deleted without being read)
== Projected publication date: Second Quarter 2015
Please follow these guidelines when submitting to us:
1. Please put your full contact details on the first page of the manuscript top left, with word count top right.
2. Standard submission format, with minimal document formatting.
3. Courier or Times New Roman set at 12pt. Italics as they will appear. No underlining.
4. Double spaced.
5. Please don’t use TAB or space bar to indent lines. Use ‘styles’ only. If unsure or using a program that has no styles, do not indent at all. That’s still cool.
6. NO SPACE between paragraphs unless a line-break is required. ONE SPACE after full stops.
7. Please put full contact details on the first page of the manuscript (yes, I said this twice… it’s important).
8. Send your submission to Geoff Brown at as an attachment (doc or docx).
9. In the subject line of your email, please put SNAFU2: [STORY TITLE]
(Replace [STORY TITLE] with your actual story title. Yes, unfortunately I do need to state this)
For a guide to standard submission format, see:
The only variation to this format is that italics MUST appear as they will be used; no underlining.
Anyone that fails to follow these guidelines will likely see their story gobbled up by spam gremlins.
31 December 2014 -- Villains Inc -- ed. Tan-ni Fan; Less Than Three Press
Villains, Inc. — An Anthology Call — Tired of goody-two-shoes? Why should those "glowing heroes of good" get all the glory? Villains! They can be antiheroes, misunderstood, or just people who love to cause chaos for the sheer madness of it all. LT3 is seeking stories where the focus is, for once, on the baddies. The badder the better!
Please note, Less than Three has a strong policy against stories with themes of non-consent.
== Deadline is December 31, 2014 (give or take, we won’t kill you for sending it off the following morning).
== Stories should be at least 10,000 words and should not exceed approx 20,000 words in length.
== Stories may be any pairing except cisgender heterosexual M/F (trans* M/F, M/M, F/F, poly, and all permutations thereof are acceptable).
== Stories must have a happily ever after (HEA) or happy for now (HFN) end.
== Any sub-genre is gladly accepted: sci-fi, mystery, contemporary, steampunk, etc.
== All usual LT3 submission guidelines apply.
Villains, Inc. is a general release anthology, meaning stories will be sold as a compiled ebook in the LT3 book market. Payment will be $200 on acceptance of the story. Authors will receive one copy each of the ebook formats LT3 produces and two copies of the paperback compilation.
Stories should be complete before submitting, and as edited as possible. They can be submitted in any format (doc, docx, rtf, odt, etc) preferably single spaced in an easy to read font (Times, Calibri, Arial) with no special formatting (no elaborate section separation, special fonts, etc). Additional formatting guidelines can be found on the above-linked submissions page.
IMPORTANT: This anthology is being coordinated and edited by one of LT3′s senior editors, Tan-ni Fan. To submit, please send your manuscript to Include the following in your email:
== Put SUBMISSIONS in the subject line! Emails without this subject line run the risk of not being seen or read, so please, do not forget this!
== Your real name, pen name (if you use one), and preferred email address.
== The approximate total length of the completed story.
== A brief summary of the story, not to exceed approximately 200 words in length.
== Attach the complete manuscript in .doc, .docx, or .odt format.
Any questions/concerns should be directed to the Editor, Tan-ni Fan at (or you can ping her on twitter @tannifan).
[NOTE: Less Than Three is a romance press, and is looking for romance stories. Romance presses often assume you know this without being told.]
31 December 2014 -- A Collection of Untimely Hours -- Dark Recesses Press
Dark Recesses Press is now accepting short novella length submissions for A Collection of Untimely Hours. Between four and six stories will be selected for this themed anthology.
The theme is time. The genre is dark fiction. A broad spectrum, we know, but what we mean by this is truly the dark spectrum – from horror to supernatural, to slipstream – and all points in between. That said, Splatterpunk and Bizarro fiction are probably not the right fit for this gathering. This is also not the venue for high fantasy or hard sci-fi, but if you have a shadowy urban fantasy or a dark tale that happens to take place upon a space freighter, that’s fine. Just make sure there’s no need to learn a new language in order to read the story. Seriously.
The key here is to offer our readers a cool creep, a sense of dread, and the tension of time from which they can’t escape. It’s your world. Build it, and drag the reader through it with the seconds ticking at their heels.
Of course we have the standard caveat of Gore for Gore’s sake and overused tropes are not going to fly. But you’re professionals and you don’t see a need to resort to cheap parlor tricks, or taking the easy road to reach nirvana.
One more important NO : No Sexual Abuse of Children, direct or implied. Period. It’s not a flexible point. If you’re unsure, query at and we’ll be happy to clarify and save you time or frustration.
Now for the nitty-gritties:
Submission deadline: December 31st, 2014Subs2
Word count: 15,000 – 25,000 firm
Pay: 3 cents / word
Reprints: No
Rights: First North American Serial Rights (FNASR) and Electronic Rights to distribute the text in multiple print and electronic formats for twelve months from publication, and a three-year non-exclusive worldwide license from the date of publication to continue to publish your work in other formats as part of the anthology volume in which it was first published without extending the license term and without constituting a new publication, and to keep that discrete anthology available in our salable inventory throughout that term.
(For example, we can re-publish the same anthology that includes your work in a cool new techno-format that comes along, but we can’t publish your work as part of a different anthology. Also, no matter what new format is added during the license term, our right to publish still ends three years after initial publication unless we re-negotiate with you.)
Format: Standard Manuscript Format with the following noted requirements.
== Scene breaks marked with ##
== Special formatting (italics, bolds, underlines) set up exactly as you want it printed.
== DO NOT USE TABS OR SPACES for Indents. I cannot stress this enough. DON’T Set the indent under your document paragraph settings, or just don’t indent.
== Do not use special quotes
== Saved as .doc, .docx, or .rtf format.
Send submissions to:
Subject line: “UNTIMELY HOURS –”
UNTIL FILLED -- The Lost Worlds -- Eldritch Press ** First Posted August 2014
Please refer to the Submission Guidelines page for information on how and where to submit.
Include in the subject line of your submission Sub_The Lost Worlds_authors name
Updated Payment: Eight cents a word.
Story Length: Up to 20,000 novella length stories.
Rights Requested: One year exclusive rights upon publication.
This will be released in paperback, Limited Hardcover and E-book format.
Cover art will be revealed soon.
Steampunk is a difficult and demanding genre to write in. Therefore we are only accepting the best stories you can bring to the plate. To be published early next year.
"The Lost Worlds" will be a anthology in the Steampunk Horror Genre devoted to the post-apocalyptic theme. Send us worlds rebuilt by steam powered engines and mechanical marvels. Send us characters we can root for as they fight the good fight.
Send us worlds our readers can romanticize about, characters that jump off the page. We want to set the Steampunk world ablaze with "The Lost Worlds." So we only want your best.
Markets with specific deadlines are listed first, "Until Filled" markets are at the bottom. There are usually more details on the original site; always click through and read the full guidelines before submitting. Note that some publishers list multiple antho guidelines on one page, so after you click through you might have to scroll a bit.
31 October 2014 -- Blurring the Line -- ed. Marty Young; Cohesion Press
Do you really know what’s real and what isn’t?
A man called Arnold Paole was accused of being a vampire in 1732 in Yugoslavia, after his body was dug up five years after his death and found with long pointed teeth and nails, with blood in his mouth.
The Mothman of West Virginia was a winged man-sized creature with glowing red eyes and huge moth-like wings sprouting from its back, seen repeatedly during 1967 and 1968.
In 1977, a dead creature that looked a lot like a plesiosaur was caught in the nets of a Japanese fishing vessel, the Zuiyo-maru, offshore east of Christchurch, New Zealand.
The sage Apollonius of Tyana, born in Turkey at the start of the first century AD, hunted demons, and once saved one of his students from a vampire who was going to drink his blood and eat his soul.
These are all supposedly true stories. And there are more, more tales of monsters that shouldn’t exist, of demons and devil possession, of serial killers wearing human skin, ghosts terrorizing families…
But these tales also sound like fiction, don’t they?
Blurring the Line (working title) is seeking to blur the line between what is fiction and what is non-fiction. We want horror stories, tales that are serious and frightening, hard-hitting and imaginative. We want monsters; vampires and zombies and werewolves and the mummy and creatures from the Black Lagoon and giant killer plants and mutated ants and demons and devils and Mothmen and everything else you can think of or that hasn’t been thought of yet. But we also want your serial killers and demented and depraved humanity. We want it all. Push your imagination and take us into the far reaches of your darkness, without letting go of reality. Make us believe.
BUT, we want to be scared, made to feel uneasy and uncomfortable. We do not want to be shocked for no reason; if you’re going to eviscerate someone, there needs to be a good reason for doing so. We want style over shock value. We do not want supernatural romance, or weird fiction. We’re not looking for tales about a monster hunter or a covert monster hunting team (we love these stories but they’re not what we’re looking for here).
Details on the non-fiction component of Blurring the Line will be announced later in 2014, so keep an eye out for this.
Interior artwork will be by the super brilliant Alex McVey, and his pieces will combine to tell a horrifying story of their own.
1. Please put your full contact details on the first page of the manuscript top left, with word count top right.
2. Standard submission format, with minimal document formatting.
3. Courier or Times New Roman set at 12pt. Italics as they will appear. No underlining.
4. Double spaced.
5. Please don’t use TAB or space bar to indent lines. Use ‘styles’ only. If unsure or using a program that has no styles, do not indent at all. That’s still cool.
7. NO LINE between paragraphs unless a line-break is required.
8. Please put full contact details on the first page of the manuscript (yes, I said this twice… it’s important).
9. Send your submission to Marty Young at martyyoung2002[@] as an attachment. In the subject line of your email, please put Submission: [STORY TITLE]
(Replace [STORY TITLE] with your actual story title. Yes, unfortunately I do need to state this)
The only variation to this format is that italics MUST appear as they will be used; no underlining.
Anyone that fails to follow these guidelines will likely see their story gobbled up by spam gremlins.
[Click through for some about-the-editor info.]
5 November 2014 -- Hear Me Roar -- ed. Liz Grzyb; Ticonderoga Publications
This anthology, with the working title Hear Me Roar, is looking at kick-arse chicks of all varieties in a speculative fiction world – female superheroes, scientists, subversives and rulers. We want character-driven stories with strong female protagonists.
The stories can be any variety of speculative fiction: science fiction, fantasy, horror, paranormal romance, urban fantasy or a mix.
We are not looking for stories where women are objectified, where there is gratuitous gore or erotica.
The anthology will be edited by Liz Grzyb, award-winning editor of eight anthologies including The Year’s Best Australian Fantasy and Horror, and will be published by Ticonderoga Publications in 2015.
Submission guidelines
Send me your best speculative fiction story featuring strong women.
== Story length 2,500 to 7,500 words. (Longer stories may be accepted, although payment is capped at 7,500).
== Original stories only: no reprints, multiple, or simultaneous submissions.
== Stories may be submitted via email at in .doc or .rtf format.
== Manuscript format: double spaced, large margins, sensible serif font, Australian English spelling.
== Submissions period open: 21 April – 5 November 2014.
== Payment: 2 copies of print anthology and Aus 2.5 cents/word (GST inc., maximum payment $187.50) on publication.
30 November 2014 -- Accessing the Future -- ed. Djibril al-Ayad and Kathryn Allan; Publishing
Inspired by the cyberpunk and feminist science fiction of yesterday and the DIY, open access, and hacktivist culture of today, Accessing the Future will be an anthology that explores the future potentials of technology to augment and challenge the physical environment and the human form—in all of its wonderful and complex diversity. We are particularly interested in stories that address issues of disability (invisible and visible, physical and mental), and the intersectionality of race, nationality, gender, sexuality, and class—in both physical and virtual spaces. Accessing the Future will be a collection of speculative fiction that places emphasis on the social, political, and material realms of being.
We want stories from as many diverse people as possible, especially from people with disabilities (visible and invisible, physical and mental), chronic illness or mental illness, who are neuroatypical, or people who have an understanding of the institutional and social construction of disability. We welcome stories from marginalized groups within the speculative fiction community (e.g., QUILTBAG, people of colour, non-North American writers), and from anyone with sensitivity to intersectional politics.
Payment and Rights
We pay $0.06/word (six cents a word) for global English first publication rights in print and digital format. The authors retain copyright.
Submission Guidelines
== Send your submissions to by midnight UTC on November 30th, 2014.
== Length 2500-7500 words (with a preference for 4000-6000 words).
== No reprints or simultaneous submissions.
== Attach your story as a .doc, .docx, or .rtf file, with your name, the story title, and the wordcount on the first page.
== We do not require or request that submitting writers identify themselves as a person with a disability, but we respect anyone’s desire to self-identify.
What We Want:
We want stories that place emphasis on intersectional narratives (rejection of, undoing, and speaking against ableist, heteronormative, racist, cissexist, and classist constructions) and that are informed by an understanding of disability issues and politics at individual and institutional levels. We want to read stories from writers that think critically about how prosthetic technologies, new virtual and physical environments, and genetic modifications will impact human bodies, our communities, and planet. Here are some questions we want writers to think about
== How will humanity modify the future world?
== What kinds of new spaces will there be to explore and inhabit? Who will have access to these spaces and in what ways?
== Given that we all already rely on (technological) tools to make our lives easier, what kinds of assistive and adaptive technologies will we use in the future?
== How will augmentations (from the prosthetic to the genetic) erase or exacerbate existing differences in ability, class, gender, sexuality, nationality, and race?
== What does an accessible future look like?
We Will Not Accept:
== Stories of “cure” (or where disability exists as a condition to be “fixed,” erased through genetic engineering, etc.)
== Depictions of people with disabilities as “extra special,” “magical,” or “inspirational” because of their disability.
== Stories that generally reproduce today’s dominant reductionist viewpoints of disability as a fixed identity and a problem to be solved.
== Any story that addresses disability in a realistic and “positive” way but contains any element that is racist, sexist, homophobic or otherwise insulting or harmful to other marginalized identities.
1 December 2014 -- Stories for Chip: A Tribute to Samuel R. Delaney -- ed. Nisi Shawl and Bill Campbell; Rosarium Publishing
Our anthology-in-progress, Stories for Chip: A Tribute to Samuel R. Delany, will honor science fiction's living legend, the author of over 20 novels, approximately as many short stories, five notable memoirs and counting, and ten essential books of genre criticism. SFWA Grand Master, Science Fiction Hall of Fame inductee, and multiple award-winner Samuel R. Delany ("Chip" to his friends) has inspired and taught many of us in the fields of science fiction and fantasy, directly and indirectly, by example and by intent. We want to demonstrate to the world the power of his work through what we write, and thank him for the grace of his existence. Would you like to be part of this anthology? Read on.
Response time: You’ll hear back from us about your submission by January 29, 2015, at the latest.
Wordcount limits: 1000 to 10,000 for prose
Pay: minimum .05/word up to $400 total per story/essay for original prose; minimum .02/word up to $160 total per story/essay for reprint prose.
Note: Acceptance, contracts, and payments will follow a successful crowdfunding campaign. Campaign will run October 1 – 31, 2014.
We're accepting a very few reprints, and plan to include no more than five total in the book. We already have two in mind. You'll have a much easier time selling us original material.
What we're looking for: We want stories and critical essays that relate in some way to the strength and beauty of Samuel R. Delany’s body of work. This relationship can be made evident through allusions to the author himself; through allusions to his work's titles, characters, situations, settings, etc.; through evoking a Delanyesque atmosphere; or through analysis of any of these elements, in the case of nonfiction. We're hoping for essays which elucidate his important, lasting contributions to literature; and for fiction inspired by these contributions.
What we're not looking for: Please don't send us your parodies of Delany or his work. We're also not at all confident you'll impress us with your serious attempts to reproduce his style; if you must try us with something along those lines, be aware that's going to be an extremely hard sell. Further, because Delany's critical writing though rigorous, is so clear and easily understandable, we’re not at all interested in deliberately obscurantist, jargon-laden critical essays.
How to submit:
Once the submission period opens, we'll accept ELECTRONIC SUBMISSIONS ONLY. We’ll destroy unread anything you send before September 4 or after December 1. During that period, send your submissions as attached .rtf or .doc files to: In your message you can include any previous publishing credits you'd like to mention, and make any statement you care to make about your connections to Delany.
How to support without submitting: Check back here this February 2015 to participate in our crowdfunding campaign.
Publication and review copies: Our press is Rosarium, noted publisher of Mothership: Tales of Afrofuturism and Beyond. We expect to publish Stories for Chip in July 2015, and to make ARCs available to reviewers in March 2015.
[Click through for some info on the editors.]
15 December 2014 -- She Walks in Shadows -- Innsmouth Free Press
She Walks in Shadows, the first all-woman Lovecraft anthology, will hold an open submissions period from November 15, 2014 to December 15, 2014. DO NOT SEND STUFF BEFORE THAT DATE. Keep the following in mind:
Submit short stories inspired by the work of Lovecraft that focus on a woman or female deity. It may be a character from Lovecraft’s work or someone of your own creation. You are not restricted to the 1920s as a setting. Steampunk, dieselpunk, noir, and any other sub-genre you can imagine are fine with us. Give us your best and most polished work. And yes, you must be a woman to submit. Women only.
To avoid the Asenath effect (that means every character in the anthology would be Asenath Waite), we asked the authors who are contributing stories to pick a different character from a Lovecraft story. While you are not bound to these restrictions, we suggest that if you use a character from Lovecraft’s fiction, you avoid the usual suspects (Asenath and Lavinia).
Consider interesting and novel settings for your stories. Surely, strange Lovecraftian entities haunt contemporary Nunavut or the Inca fought strange webbed monstrosities centuries ago. Anne Boleyn, evil sorceress or woman fighting the good fight against the Mi-Go? We may never know. Or maybe we will.
POCs are highly encouraged to send stories. Transgender writers: same thing.
Stories may be sent in French, English, or Spanish. We can read all three languages.
Story length is up to 4,000 words with a pay rate of 6 cents a word (Canadian $, eh). No reprints, please.
Submit your final story as a Word or RTF attachment by the deadline to innsmouthfp(at)gmail(dot)com. Use the subject line: Slush Shadows. Include a cover letter with a biography (Yes, we want to know a bit about you), word count, and your name and contact information. Please use italics as italics, bold as bold, number your pages and the like.
We’ll get back to you early in 2015 with an answer.
We’ll be purchasing exclusive English language rights for 12 months. Exceptions: You may submit the story to award showcases, best of reprints, etc. We print in POD and release e-books. Due to this, we will ask for the right to maintain your story in print for a predetermined amount of time (5 years).
We’ll send you a contributor’s copy in each format released (paperback, hardcover, MOBI, ePub).
Questions can be directed to publisher(at)innsmouthfreepress(dot)com
30 December 2014 -- The Lost Worlds -- Eldritch Press
Payment: Six cents a word to keep pace with the SFWA guidelines for pro-pay markets.
Story Length: Up to 17,500/ novella length stories.
Deadline: Extended until December 30th 2014.
Rights Requested: Six months exclusive rights upon publication.
Cover art will be revealed soon.
Steampunk is a difficult and demanding genre to write in. Therefore we are only accepting the best stories you can bring to the plate. To be published early next year.
"The Lost Worlds" will be a anthology in the Steampunk Horror Genre devoted to the post-apocalyptic theme. Send us worlds rebuilt by steam powered engines and mechanical marvels. Send us characters we can root for as they fight the good fight.
Send us worlds our readers can romanticize about, characters that jump off the page. We want to set the Steampunk world ablaze with "The Lost Worlds." So we only want your best.
31 December 2014 -- Apotheosis -- ed. Jason Andrew; Simian Publishing
Apotheosis – Stories of human survival and defiance in a world subjugated by the return of the Elder Gods. Humanity struggled to grow and evolve as a species for thousands of years forever caught in the shadow of a dread threat known only to a devoted few. When the stars are right, the Old Ones will return to claim utter dominion of the world. Lovecraft Mythos stories often climax at the moment of the fateful return of the Elder Gods and the audience is left to ponder what might happen next. This anthology features stories about humanity under the reign of the Elder Gods and ancient terrors.
What do we mean by Lovecraft Mythos stories in relation to Apotheosis? We’re looking for stories inspired by the stories of H.P. Lovecraft and associated writers such as August Derleth, Clark Ashton Smith, Robert E. Howard , Robert Bloch, Henry Kuttner, and Frank Belknap Long. We’re also interested in writers that inspired Lovecraft such as Edgar Allan Poe, Algernon Blackwood and Lord Dunsany. We’re interested in classic mythos gods and monsters and originals that have inspired by the mythos.
Good Fiction Examples:
== " Boojum" by Elizabeth Bear & Sarah Monette
== "A Colder War" by Charlie Stross
== In the Hall of the Yellow King by Peter Rawlik
What type of stories are we looking for? We’re looking for character-driven stories set during a time in the future where the ancient terrors that once ruled the Earth have claimed complete and utter dominion of the Earth. We’re less concerned about the strict interpretation of the Elder Gods than good stories that deal with real human concerns. How do people survive? How does life change? Will people accept their new gods or will they rebel? What will it mean to be human in such a world of gods and monsters? Surprise us. Don’t give us stories that we’ve read before. We want worlds that feel real populated by characters from different cultures, genders, and ethnicities. Avoid cultural appropriation. Do your homework.
What types of submissions should I avoid? We’re not as interested in the moment the ancient horrors return and conquer the world, but how humanity survives after the war is lost. Flashbacks are OK, but the story should not be about that time. We enjoy historical mythos fiction, but this is not the anthology for it. Stories must be set in the future. We are not looking for poetry for this anthology.
Submission Details:
== Word-count: 2,000 to 7,000 Worldwide print and e-book rights (exclusive for 6 months, non-exclusive for an additional 30 months).Exceptions will be made for stories accepted for “Best Of” anthologies. Apotheosis will be available in both Print on Demand and e-book formats.
== Submissions open November 1, 2014, and will close at 11:59 PST on December 31, 2014. You may submit at: (Do not submit before November 1st 2014 or your submission will be deleted)
== Queries and questions may be sent to : (You may send queries and questions anytime.) All responses will be accepted or rejected by January 15th, 2015. Please do not query about submitted stories before then. No multiple or simultaneous submissions. Our word count limits are hard for open submissions. Reprints may be submitted, but we’re only accepting three or four at the most. (It should be clearly stated that the submission is a reprint in your cover later or this will be an automatic rejection later.)
== Please use standard format guidelines. If it is difficult to read, we will reject your story. Your story must include your name, address, telephone number, email address, and approximate word count on the first page. Your cover letter should include your complete contact information, story title, approximate word count, and a short bio.
== Payment: 3 cents per word (or 1 cent per word for reprints), paid within 90 days after publication. Plus contributor copy of print and e-book.
31 December 2014 -- SNAFU II: Survival of the Fittest -- ed. Geoff Brown and Amanda J Spedding; Cohesion Press
For this anthology, we want survival horror featuring soldiers.
Survival horror says it all. Resident Evil… Silent Hill… with soldiers. Straining to make that one clip of rounds last. Making sure not to waste a single bullet. Lost in the shadows, low on ammo, only edged weapons, and/or wounded, fighting to survive, the last remnants of the mission team trying to make sense of where they had gone wrong, and how to make it out alive with next-to-no resources.
We still want military combat from any period, don’t get me wrong, but we also want fear… we want suspense and tension… we want originality in the monster/antagonist, and how they are finally overcome. To allow for this building of atmosphere and tension, we have upped the word limit to 10,000.
And then, we want something jaw-droppingly amazing.
We STRONGLY suggest you read the first and/or second SNAFU volume to see what it is we like.
SNAFU: Heroes –
SNAFU II will hold novellas by some best-selling authors, with announcements to come soon.
== Edited by Geoff Brown and Amanda J Spedding
== Payment: AUD4c/word and one contributor copy in each format released
== Wordcount range: 1,000 – 10,000 words (query for shorter or longer)
== Submission window: October 1 – December 31, 2014 (anything submitted outside of this window will be deleted without being read)
== Projected publication date: Second Quarter 2015
Please follow these guidelines when submitting to us:
1. Please put your full contact details on the first page of the manuscript top left, with word count top right.
2. Standard submission format, with minimal document formatting.
3. Courier or Times New Roman set at 12pt. Italics as they will appear. No underlining.
4. Double spaced.
5. Please don’t use TAB or space bar to indent lines. Use ‘styles’ only. If unsure or using a program that has no styles, do not indent at all. That’s still cool.
6. NO SPACE between paragraphs unless a line-break is required. ONE SPACE after full stops.
7. Please put full contact details on the first page of the manuscript (yes, I said this twice… it’s important).
8. Send your submission to Geoff Brown at as an attachment (doc or docx).
9. In the subject line of your email, please put SNAFU2: [STORY TITLE]
(Replace [STORY TITLE] with your actual story title. Yes, unfortunately I do need to state this)
For a guide to standard submission format, see:
The only variation to this format is that italics MUST appear as they will be used; no underlining.
Anyone that fails to follow these guidelines will likely see their story gobbled up by spam gremlins.
31 December 2014 -- Villains Inc -- ed. Tan-ni Fan; Less Than Three Press
Villains, Inc. — An Anthology Call — Tired of goody-two-shoes? Why should those "glowing heroes of good" get all the glory? Villains! They can be antiheroes, misunderstood, or just people who love to cause chaos for the sheer madness of it all. LT3 is seeking stories where the focus is, for once, on the baddies. The badder the better!
Please note, Less than Three has a strong policy against stories with themes of non-consent.
== Deadline is December 31, 2014 (give or take, we won’t kill you for sending it off the following morning).
== Stories should be at least 10,000 words and should not exceed approx 20,000 words in length.
== Stories may be any pairing except cisgender heterosexual M/F (trans* M/F, M/M, F/F, poly, and all permutations thereof are acceptable).
== Stories must have a happily ever after (HEA) or happy for now (HFN) end.
== Any sub-genre is gladly accepted: sci-fi, mystery, contemporary, steampunk, etc.
== All usual LT3 submission guidelines apply.
Villains, Inc. is a general release anthology, meaning stories will be sold as a compiled ebook in the LT3 book market. Payment will be $200 on acceptance of the story. Authors will receive one copy each of the ebook formats LT3 produces and two copies of the paperback compilation.
Stories should be complete before submitting, and as edited as possible. They can be submitted in any format (doc, docx, rtf, odt, etc) preferably single spaced in an easy to read font (Times, Calibri, Arial) with no special formatting (no elaborate section separation, special fonts, etc). Additional formatting guidelines can be found on the above-linked submissions page.
IMPORTANT: This anthology is being coordinated and edited by one of LT3′s senior editors, Tan-ni Fan. To submit, please send your manuscript to Include the following in your email:
== Put SUBMISSIONS in the subject line! Emails without this subject line run the risk of not being seen or read, so please, do not forget this!
== Your real name, pen name (if you use one), and preferred email address.
== The approximate total length of the completed story.
== A brief summary of the story, not to exceed approximately 200 words in length.
== Attach the complete manuscript in .doc, .docx, or .odt format.
Any questions/concerns should be directed to the Editor, Tan-ni Fan at (or you can ping her on twitter @tannifan).
[NOTE: Less Than Three is a romance press, and is looking for romance stories. Romance presses often assume you know this without being told.]
31 December 2014 -- A Collection of Untimely Hours -- Dark Recesses Press
Dark Recesses Press is now accepting short novella length submissions for A Collection of Untimely Hours. Between four and six stories will be selected for this themed anthology.
The theme is time. The genre is dark fiction. A broad spectrum, we know, but what we mean by this is truly the dark spectrum – from horror to supernatural, to slipstream – and all points in between. That said, Splatterpunk and Bizarro fiction are probably not the right fit for this gathering. This is also not the venue for high fantasy or hard sci-fi, but if you have a shadowy urban fantasy or a dark tale that happens to take place upon a space freighter, that’s fine. Just make sure there’s no need to learn a new language in order to read the story. Seriously.
The key here is to offer our readers a cool creep, a sense of dread, and the tension of time from which they can’t escape. It’s your world. Build it, and drag the reader through it with the seconds ticking at their heels.
Of course we have the standard caveat of Gore for Gore’s sake and overused tropes are not going to fly. But you’re professionals and you don’t see a need to resort to cheap parlor tricks, or taking the easy road to reach nirvana.
One more important NO : No Sexual Abuse of Children, direct or implied. Period. It’s not a flexible point. If you’re unsure, query at and we’ll be happy to clarify and save you time or frustration.
Now for the nitty-gritties:
Submission deadline: December 31st, 2014Subs2
Word count: 15,000 – 25,000 firm
Pay: 3 cents / word
Reprints: No
Rights: First North American Serial Rights (FNASR) and Electronic Rights to distribute the text in multiple print and electronic formats for twelve months from publication, and a three-year non-exclusive worldwide license from the date of publication to continue to publish your work in other formats as part of the anthology volume in which it was first published without extending the license term and without constituting a new publication, and to keep that discrete anthology available in our salable inventory throughout that term.
(For example, we can re-publish the same anthology that includes your work in a cool new techno-format that comes along, but we can’t publish your work as part of a different anthology. Also, no matter what new format is added during the license term, our right to publish still ends three years after initial publication unless we re-negotiate with you.)
Format: Standard Manuscript Format with the following noted requirements.
== Scene breaks marked with ##
== Special formatting (italics, bolds, underlines) set up exactly as you want it printed.
== DO NOT USE TABS OR SPACES for Indents. I cannot stress this enough. DON’T Set the indent under your document paragraph settings, or just don’t indent.
== Do not use special quotes
== Saved as .doc, .docx, or .rtf format.
Send submissions to:
Subject line: “UNTIMELY HOURS –
UNTIL FILLED -- The Lost Worlds -- Eldritch Press ** First Posted August 2014
Please refer to the Submission Guidelines page for information on how and where to submit.
Include in the subject line of your submission Sub_The Lost Worlds_authors name
Updated Payment: Eight cents a word.
Story Length: Up to 20,000 novella length stories.
Rights Requested: One year exclusive rights upon publication.
This will be released in paperback, Limited Hardcover and E-book format.
Cover art will be revealed soon.
Steampunk is a difficult and demanding genre to write in. Therefore we are only accepting the best stories you can bring to the plate. To be published early next year.
"The Lost Worlds" will be a anthology in the Steampunk Horror Genre devoted to the post-apocalyptic theme. Send us worlds rebuilt by steam powered engines and mechanical marvels. Send us characters we can root for as they fight the good fight.
Send us worlds our readers can romanticize about, characters that jump off the page. We want to set the Steampunk world ablaze with "The Lost Worlds." So we only want your best.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Anthology Markets
If you've just wandered in off the internet, hi and welcome. :) I do these posts every month, so if this post isn't dated in the same month you're in, click here to make sure you're seeing the most recent one.
Markets with specific deadlines are listed first, "Until Filled" markets are at the bottom. There are usually more details on the original site; always click through and read the full guidelines before submitting. Note that some publishers list multiple antho guidelines on one page, so after you click through you might have to scroll a bit.
NOTE that SNAFU: Wolves at the Door has a short deadline. (I'm not sure whether they just posted less than a month ago or what, but I just found it.) If you're into paranormal war stories, check it out ASAP.
30 September 2014 -- Enter at Your Own Risk: Dreamscapes into Darkness -- Firbolg Publishing
Passions become obsessions. Obsessions become manias. And sometimes, manias turn into nightmares. What happens when one wants so badly that all else, including sanity and self, is consumed by the bonfires of desire? What happens when one achieves the dream, only to discover the nightmares lurking behind the illusions? Firbolg Publishing’s fifth anthology, Enter at Your Own Risk: Dreamscapes into Darkness, explores the old adage of "Be Careful What You Wish For." We are looking for stories that step behind the veil of dreams and wishes into the unanticipated horrors of fulfillment. Journey down wishful thinking’s twisted pathway and discover what dark ends and detours await–send us your story and share a TOC with D.H. Lawrence, Mary Shelley, A.M. Burrage, H.P. Lovecraft, and more Gothic masters from yesteryear in Enter at Your Own Risk: Dreamscapes into Darkness.
3000-5000 words (this is strict)
Avoid excessive gore/ violence. We are most interested in gothic dark fiction rather than splatter style horror. We are not interested in stories that are gratuitously violent, sexual, or graphic. If these elements occur within a story, they must be an integral part of the narrative, but note that we are inclined to pass on tales that rely on these elements for plot. Stories that rely on mood, atmosphere, well-crafted dialogue, and character-driven narrative find a home at Firbolg Publishing over violence and gore.
LGBT-friendly press.
RTF format as an attachment (include author biography, links to blogs/ websites)
Standard manuscript format (
A few formatting musts: No double spaces between punctuation and next sentence. No double spaces between paragraphs (unless indicating a time break).
Payment: $50 and contributor copy (paperback edition).
No simultaneous submissions, no poetry, no reprints
ebook and paperback format.
submission email:
There have been quite a few invitations for this one, so space for open submissions is limited.
Release date: 7 May, 2015. There will be an official release party at the World Horror Convention in Atlanta, GA.
30 September 2014 -- An Alphabet of Embers -- ed. Rose Lemberg
I am seeking submissions for An Alphabet of Embers, an anthology of unclassifiables – lyrical, surreal, magical, experimental pieces that straddle the border between poetry and prose.
I am looking for work that is between 500 and 1400 words in length. Ideally, I’d like to accept a mix of pieces that can traditionally be labeled stories, and pieces that defy such definitions. If you’ve been told your piece is 'too slight' or 'more of a vignette', 'too poetic' or 'too experimental,' I’d love to consider it.
While I am looking for unusual and striking work that defies definition, I would be happy to consider work that falls within any speculative genre, including science fiction, fantasy, fairytale/mythic retellings, and of course surrealism, magic realism, etc. If it has a speculative element, I will consider it, though any straightforward treatment of genre tropes will likely be a miss.
I am looking for work that is evocative, beautiful, stirring; I envision An Alphabet of Embers as a book that moves us, emotionally and intellectually, to consider the world from angles new and old and new again. I want AoE to resonate with lyrical strangeness, and pain, and vibrancy, and hope. I am always keenly interested boundary-crossing work, and want to showcase a variety of voices and perspectives.
I am NOT looking for pieces that are unambiguously poetry. (Prose poetry is welcome).
I am committed to diversity of voice and theme in all my editorial projects, and this one will be no exception (here are my thoughts on looking for diversity of voice and theme, as an editor). This anthology is not specifically diversity themed; rather, I believe that every editorial project should be diverse, and every editorial project of mine has been, and will be diverse. Examples of my work include The Moment of Change (Aqueduct Press, 2012), and Stone Telling Magazine, which I co-edit with Shweta Narayan.
I welcome and encourage submissions from creators who belong to marginalized groups, including PoC, LGBTQIA creators, people of all ages, people of various levels of (dis)ability and income, people with neuroatypicalities, immigrants, and more. I’d love to see your work regardless of whether you have prior sales. This anthology is open to everyone.
I would love to consider work in a variety of Englishes. Your language variant is welcome here.
Pay: I will be paying SFWA professional rates at 6c a word for originals, and 3c a word for reprints.
Simultaneous submissions: NO.
Multiple submissions: YES, you can send me up to TWO pieces to consider, either in a single submission or in two separate submissions.
Please send me the piece(s) as attachment(s) in doc, docx, or .rtf format. Please use Standard Manuscript Format. If your piece has special formatting that needs a different submission process, please query first.
Please send your submission(s) to with SUBMISSION: “Your story title” .
Cover letter: please list whether the piece is unpublished; if it is a reprint, please give full information about the first publication of your submission. I prefer short cover letters – you are welcome to list 2-3 recent publications, but it’s perfectly fine not to do so. Please address your cover letter to Editors, or Ms. Lemberg.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions. I’m looking forward to reading your work!
[Click through for multiple links, which are interesting and caused me to spend far too much time clicking and reading.]
30 September 2014 -- SNAFU: Wolves at the Door -- Cohesion Press
For this anthology, we want military horror or sci-fi featuring werewolves and other lycanthropes.
The military aspect must be as strong as the werecreature aspect.
In the blackest night or under the full moon, danger is lurking.
It’s survival at all costs when you’re fighting against an enemy that could tear you apart – or convert you to the other side.
Against the backdrop of an untamed wilderness or the dark depths of the city, the ultimate clash between the forces of man and nature rage on.
You could be battling the monster within or a war around you – where the cost could prove too great. Whether it’s personal survival or submission of the pack, we want it all. Bring on the blood, guts and gore.
Stories can be set in any time period, but must involve military action and werecreatures.
We want military combat: guns and ammo, swords, katanas, ninja-to, Bronze Age axes, tooth and claw. Suspense. Tension. Conflict.
Whether the wolves are fighting with you or against you is your choice…
~ ~ ~
We STRONGLY suggest you read the first SNAFU volume to see what it is we like.
~ ~ ~
SNAFU: Wolves at the Door will be an anthology of short stories on the theme of lycanthrope-based military horror.
*Payment: AUD2c/word and one contributor copy
*SNAFU: Wolves at the Door will be released as an ebook only
*Wordcount range: 2,000 – 6,000 words (query for shorter or longer)
*Submission window: 1st September, 2014 – 30th September, 2014 (anything submitted outside of this window will be deleted without being read)
*Projected publication date: Last Quarter 2014
Please follow these guidelines when submitting to us:
1. Please put your full contact details on the first page of the manuscript top left, with word count top right.
2. Standard submission format, with minimal document formatting.
3. Courier or Times New Roman set at 12pt. Italics as they will appear. No underlining.
4. Double spaced.
5. Please don’t use TAB or space bar to indent lines. Use ‘styles’ only. If unsure or using a program that has no styles, do not indent at all. That’s still cool.
7. NO SPACE between paragraphs unless a line-break is required. ONE SPACE after full stops.
8. Please put full contact details on the first page of the manuscript (yes, I said this twice… it’s important).
9. Send your submission to Geoff Brown at as an attachment.
10. In the subject line of your email, please put WEREWOLVES: [STORY TITLE]
(Replace [STORY TITLE] with your actual story title. Yes, unfortunately we do need to state this)
For a guide to standard submission format, see:
The only variation to this format is that italics MUST appear as they will be used; no underlining.
Anyone that fails to follow these guidelines will likely see their story gobbled up by spam gremlins.
1 October 2014 -- I Am the Abyss -- ed. Chris Morey; Dark Regions Press
The Idea:
When each of us reaches the end of our life in this world our consciousness enters a new perpetual reality during the seconds before the brain loses activity. This world is based on the subconscious and experiences we had during our mortal lives. The structures, landscapes, creatures and cities are amalgams of what we perceived during our short journeys on earth, and there our consciousness will stay (unless we find a means of escape).
These are ten stories of tortured souls and dark minds whose difficult mortal lives have come to an end. Their consciousnesses have been transported into underworlds of their own making. It is here that they rediscover forgotten corners of their minds, creatures that they never thought their imaginations could conjure, cities grander or more bizarre than anything they had experienced in their mortal lives.
In these underworlds the characters will truly discover themselves; their darkest fears and deepest desires will manifest. But within these realms they will also find peril and adventure. They will unlock secrets inconceivable during their mortal paths. Some will conquer their underworlds while others will submit. These are ten formations of the abyss on what makes us who we are: our own consciousness.
I Am the Abyss will consist of ten novelettes/novellas in the realm of horror and/or dark fantasy by ten different authors each accompanied by an original two-page color illustration by award-winning artist Les Edwards. The book will be offered in ebook, trade paperback and two signed collectible hardcover formats.
What We Want:
Adventure stories in the realm of horror and/or dark fantasy. Expansive and unique underworlds full of landscapes, cities, creatures, culture, history and more. It is essential that your version of the underworld feels like a fully realized place that has depth and connections to your central character. We want a strange and unique place to get lost in with a fascinating character to take us along for the ride. Your version of the underworld must have its own name which must also be the title of your story.
Although we seek uniqueness and creativity, you are welcome to base your version of the underworld on an established version from cultures/religions: Ancient Egypt, Greek, Christianity, Buddhism… but if you use an established mythos please explain it with your character/story. Remember: these underworlds are based on the subconscious and life experience of your main character/narrator.
We want the authors to have fun. Experiment; create sprawling cities, romances, wars! While the core idea behind the anthology is important, let this underworld be a playground for your creativity. The most exciting, interesting and creative stories will win us over in the end.
You can begin your story before your character dies in their mortal life, during their death or after death: that is up to your discretion. At least 60% of your story must take place in their version of the underworld. Please avoid overly long introductions based in the character’s mortal life or prolonged scenes in the mortal world.
We seek adventure stories. Don’t spend too much time lingering. The idea is: the reader will pick up I AM THE ABYSS and dive into one of the ten unique underworlds and experience a captivating and truly creative setting with a character that they can grow attached to taking them along for the ride. Whether the central character "lives," "dies," triumphs, fails… that’s all up to you. They must be human, and believably human at that.
Something to note: if you are half-finished with your story but October 1st of this year is coming up fast, you can submit the story in partial form. While we much prefer the finished version we understand busy schedules and if the idea is exciting enough and the portion we read well realized enough we just might accept it based on those strengths alone.
Please read over the details below before submitting. Thank you for your interest in our anthology!
Genre: Horror and/or Dark Fantasy
Length: 10,000 – 18,000 words
Book Editions: ebook, trade paperback, Your Heart is Black (signed limited edition hardcover), I Am Gateway (ultra-deluxe signed traycased hardcover) and audiobook.
Payment: $0.05/word + contributor copy + royalties + a signed and personalized high quality digital print of the full color spread that artist Les Edwards creates based on your version of the underworld. 1% NET royalties per author on all ebook, trade paperback and audiobook sales. Payments will be made via PayPal. Royalty payments will be made monthly. Royalty rates will increase based on sales thresholds being reached.
Kickstarter campaign: a campaign will be created for I AM THE ABYSS later this year, most likely in late November. Authors will be asked to record a short video describing their story, character and version of the underworld. If the author is unable to record a video we will describe their story on their behalf. They will also be asked to help promote the campaign and help us connect to anyone they know in the media, well-recognized names in the industry and others that could help in promoting the campaign. The campaign itself will be designed as a preorder with perks, giving backers the chance to reserve their copy of the book at planned retail price for each edition with free U.S. shipping and additional incentives exclusive to the campaign.
If you are uncomfortable partaking in a Kickstarter campaign please do not submit a story for consideration. For the success of the project it is crucial that all authors and contributors involved believe in the effort and are willing to help promote it. This is an ambitious project and demands a healthy budget. Something to note: the more successful the campaign is the more we can expand the project itself from additional stories to additional artworks from artist Les Edwards.
If the Kickstarter campaign does not succeed (we are very confident it will succeed) authors will be compensated in the exact same amount but will be paid in 4 payments (1 payment a month).
Format: RTF or DOC in Standard Manuscript Format. Courier New font.
Response time: 60-90 days
Edited by: Chris Morey with help from manuscript readers
Policies: No reprints. The work must be 100% original and never published anywhere else in the past, including blogs, websites, self-publishing or any form of publication. The words of your story must have only been read by yourself and your inner circle!
No multiple or simultaneous submissions. If your first story is rejected, you may submit one more story for consideration, but only after the first story has been rejected. Two story limit per author.
Rights sought: First worldwide print, electronic and audio English Language rights exclusive for three years from official publication date. Movie/film, television and video rights exclusive for five years from official publication date. Non-exclusive rights to keep anthology available across all platforms thereafter. Note: if any movie/film, television or video interest generates from any particular story in the anthology the author of that story will be notified, directly involved and will be ensured to receive payments/royalties/proper recognition from any such project. No ventures like this will move forward without the author's consent.
When Sending Us Your Manuscript Please Make Sure to Include the Following in the Body of Your E-mail (in order):
Full Name
Location: City, State/Province and Country
Story title, genre, word count and POV (point of view)
Story synopsis (500 words or less)
Publishing credits (debut authors are welcome!)
Website address (blog or social media is fine here too)
Author bio
Send your manuscript to: iamtheabyssdrp AT gmail DOT com
15 October 2014 -- Bloodlines -- ed. Amanda Pillar; Ticonderoga Publications
Blood will tell... blood holds memory... blood is sacrifice... blood is thicker than water... blood is life.
Bloodlines will feature non-traditional horror stories, which take place in an urban fantasy setting. Give me stories about creatures that need blood to live, or blood to do magic, or whose blood is magic. Witches, shamans, faeries, ancient gods and humans can feature in this collection, so long as your story exudes magic and mystery. So long as you enchant me.
As for the nitty-gritties:
== No science fiction stories will be accepted;
== Romance is acceptable, as long as the story is dark and has horrific themes/elements;
== Do not send stories written in the second person;
== While vampire stories can be submitted, please note that it would be in your best interests to wow me with something other than vampires.
== Lastly, the story must be on theme and meet the above guidelines. It must have blood (its need, use, potency etc.) as a major focus. If it does not, your story will be rejected.
The anthology will be published by Ticonderoga Publications in late 2014/early 2015.
Submission guidelines:
Send me your best dark urban fantasy story.
== Story length 1,000 to 7,500 words.
== Original stories only: no reprints, multiple, or simultaneous submissions (please only submit one story).
== Stories may be submitted via email at
== Manuscript format: double spaced, large margins, Times New Roman font, Australian English spelling.
== The editor reserves the right to use their discretion in selecting stories.
== Submission period: 1 August 2014 to 15 October 2014
== Payment: 2 copies of anthology and Aus 2 cents/word (GST inc., maximum payment $150) on publication.
31 October 2014 -- Blurring the Line -- ed. Marty Young; Cohesion Press
Do you really know what’s real and what isn’t?
A man called Arnold Paole was accused of being a vampire in 1732 in Yugoslavia, after his body was dug up five years after his death and found with long pointed teeth and nails, with blood in his mouth.
The Mothman of West Virginia was a winged man-sized creature with glowing red eyes and huge moth-like wings sprouting from its back, seen repeatedly during 1967 and 1968.
In 1977, a dead creature that looked a lot like a plesiosaur was caught in the nets of a Japanese fishing vessel, the Zuiyo-maru, offshore east of Christchurch, New Zealand.
The sage Apollonius of Tyana, born in Turkey at the start of the first century AD, hunted demons, and once saved one of his students from a vampire who was going to drink his blood and eat his soul.
These are all supposedly true stories. And there are more, more tales of monsters that shouldn’t exist, of demons and devil possession, of serial killers wearing human skin, ghosts terrorizing families…
But these tales also sound like fiction, don’t they?
Blurring the Line (working title) is seeking to blur the line between what is fiction and what is non-fiction. We want horror stories, tales that are serious and frightening, hard-hitting and imaginative. We want monsters; vampires and zombies and werewolves and the mummy and creatures from the Black Lagoon and giant killer plants and mutated ants and demons and devils and Mothmen and everything else you can think of or that hasn’t been thought of yet. But we also want your serial killers and demented and depraved humanity. We want it all. Push your imagination and take us into the far reaches of your darkness, without letting go of reality. Make us believe.
BUT, we want to be scared, made to feel uneasy and uncomfortable. We do not want to be shocked for no reason; if you’re going to eviscerate someone, there needs to be a good reason for doing so. We want style over shock value. We do not want supernatural romance, or weird fiction. We’re not looking for tales about a monster hunter or a covert monster hunting team (we love these stories but they’re not what we’re looking for here).
Details on the non-fiction component of Blurring the Line will be announced later in 2014, so keep an eye out for this.
Interior artwork will be by the super brilliant Alex McVey, and his pieces will combine to tell a horrifying story of their own.
1. Please put your full contact details on the first page of the manuscript top left, with word count top right.
2. Standard submission format, with minimal document formatting.
3. Courier or Times New Roman set at 12pt. Italics as they will appear. No underlining.
4. Double spaced.
5. Please don’t use TAB or space bar to indent lines. Use ‘styles’ only. If unsure or using a program that has no styles, do not indent at all. That’s still cool.
7. NO LINE between paragraphs unless a line-break is required.
8. Please put full contact details on the first page of the manuscript (yes, I said this twice… it’s important).
9. Send your submission to Marty Young at martyyoung2002[@] as an attachment. In the subject line of your email, please put Submission: [STORY TITLE]
(Replace [STORY TITLE] with your actual story title. Yes, unfortunately I do need to state this)
The only variation to this format is that italics MUST appear as they will be used; no underlining.
Anyone that fails to follow these guidelines will likely see their story gobbled up by spam gremlins.
[Click through for some about-the-editor info.]
5 November 2014 -- Hear Me Roar -- ed. Liz Grzyb; Ticonderoga Publications
This anthology, with the working title Hear Me Roar, is looking at kick-arse chicks of all varieties in a speculative fiction world – female superheroes, scientists, subversives and rulers. We want character-driven stories with strong female protagonists.
The stories can be any variety of speculative fiction: science fiction, fantasy, horror, paranormal romance, urban fantasy or a mix.
We are not looking for stories where women are objectified, where there is gratuitous gore or erotica.
The anthology will be edited by Liz Grzyb, award-winning editor of eight anthologies including The Year’s Best Australian Fantasy and Horror, and will be published by Ticonderoga Publications in 2015.
Submission guidelines
Send me your best speculative fiction story featuring strong women.
== Story length 2,500 to 7,500 words. (Longer stories may be accepted, although payment is capped at 7,500).
== Original stories only: no reprints, multiple, or simultaneous submissions.
== Stories may be submitted via email at in .doc or .rtf format.
== Manuscript format: double spaced, large margins, sensible serif font, Australian English spelling.
== Submissions period open: 21 April – 5 November 2014.
== Payment: 2 copies of print anthology and Aus 2.5 cents/word (GST inc., maximum payment $187.50) on publication.
1 December 2014 -- Stories for Chip: A Tribute to Samuel R. Delaney -- ed. Nisi Shawl and Bill Campbell; Rosarium Publishing
Our anthology-in-progress, Stories for Chip: A Tribute to Samuel R. Delany, will honor science fiction's living legend, the author of over 20 novels, approximately as many short stories, five notable memoirs and counting, and ten essential books of genre criticism. SFWA Grand Master, Science Fiction Hall of Fame inductee, and multiple award-winner Samuel R. Delany ("Chip" to his friends) has inspired and taught many of us in the fields of science fiction and fantasy, directly and indirectly, by example and by intent. We want to demonstrate to the world the power of his work through what we write, and thank him for the grace of his existence. Would you like to be part of this anthology? Read on.
Response time: You’ll hear back from us about your submission by January 29, 2015, at the latest.
Wordcount limits: 1000 to 10,000 for prose
Pay: minimum .05/word up to $400 total per story/essay for original prose; minimum .02/word up to $160 total per story/essay for reprint prose.
Note: Acceptance, contracts, and payments will follow a successful crowdfunding campaign. Campaign will run October 1 – 31, 2014.
We're accepting a very few reprints, and plan to include no more than five total in the book. We already have two in mind. You'll have a much easier time selling us original material.
What we're looking for: We want stories and critical essays that relate in some way to the strength and beauty of Samuel R. Delany’s body of work. This relationship can be made evident through allusions to the author himself; through allusions to his work's titles, characters, situations, settings, etc.; through evoking a Delanyesque atmosphere; or through analysis of any of these elements, in the case of nonfiction. We're hoping for essays which elucidate his important, lasting contributions to literature; and for fiction inspired by these contributions.
What we're not looking for: Please don't send us your parodies of Delany or his work. We're also not at all confident you'll impress us with your serious attempts to reproduce his style; if you must try us with something along those lines, be aware that's going to be an extremely hard sell. Further, because Delany's critical writing though rigorous, is so clear and easily understandable, we’re not at all interested in deliberately obscurantist, jargon-laden critical essays.
How to submit:
Once the submission period opens, we'll accept ELECTRONIC SUBMISSIONS ONLY. We’ll destroy unread anything you send before September 4 or after December 1. During that period, send your submissions as attached .rtf or .doc files to: In your message you can include any previous publishing credits you'd like to mention, and make any statement you care to make about your connections to Delany.
How to support without submitting: Check back here this February 2015 to participate in our crowdfunding campaign.
Publication and review copies: Our press is Rosarium, noted publisher of Mothership: Tales of Afrofuturism and Beyond. We expect to publish Stories for Chip in July 2015, and to make ARCs available to reviewers in March 2015.
[Click through for some info on the editors.]
UNTIL FILLED -- The Lost Worlds -- Eldritch Press ** First Posted August 2014
Please refer to the Submission Guidelines page for information on how and where to submit.
Include in the subject line of your submission Sub_The Lost Worlds_authors name
Updated Payment: Eight cents a word.
Story Length: Up to 20,000 novella length stories.
Rights Requested: One year exclusive rights upon publication.
This will be released in paperback, Limited Hardcover and E-book format.
Cover art will be revealed soon.
Steampunk is a difficult and demanding genre to write in. Therefore we are only accepting the best stories you can bring to the plate. To be published early next year.
"The Lost Worlds" will be a anthology in the Steampunk Horror Genre devoted to the post-apocalyptic theme. Send us worlds rebuilt by steam powered engines and mechanical marvels. Send us characters we can root for as they fight the good fight.
Send us worlds our readers can romanticize about, characters that jump off the page. We want to set the Steampunk world ablaze with "The Lost Worlds." So we only want your best.
Markets with specific deadlines are listed first, "Until Filled" markets are at the bottom. There are usually more details on the original site; always click through and read the full guidelines before submitting. Note that some publishers list multiple antho guidelines on one page, so after you click through you might have to scroll a bit.
NOTE that SNAFU: Wolves at the Door has a short deadline. (I'm not sure whether they just posted less than a month ago or what, but I just found it.) If you're into paranormal war stories, check it out ASAP.
30 September 2014 -- Enter at Your Own Risk: Dreamscapes into Darkness -- Firbolg Publishing
Passions become obsessions. Obsessions become manias. And sometimes, manias turn into nightmares. What happens when one wants so badly that all else, including sanity and self, is consumed by the bonfires of desire? What happens when one achieves the dream, only to discover the nightmares lurking behind the illusions? Firbolg Publishing’s fifth anthology, Enter at Your Own Risk: Dreamscapes into Darkness, explores the old adage of "Be Careful What You Wish For." We are looking for stories that step behind the veil of dreams and wishes into the unanticipated horrors of fulfillment. Journey down wishful thinking’s twisted pathway and discover what dark ends and detours await–send us your story and share a TOC with D.H. Lawrence, Mary Shelley, A.M. Burrage, H.P. Lovecraft, and more Gothic masters from yesteryear in Enter at Your Own Risk: Dreamscapes into Darkness.
3000-5000 words (this is strict)
Avoid excessive gore/ violence. We are most interested in gothic dark fiction rather than splatter style horror. We are not interested in stories that are gratuitously violent, sexual, or graphic. If these elements occur within a story, they must be an integral part of the narrative, but note that we are inclined to pass on tales that rely on these elements for plot. Stories that rely on mood, atmosphere, well-crafted dialogue, and character-driven narrative find a home at Firbolg Publishing over violence and gore.
LGBT-friendly press.
RTF format as an attachment (include author biography, links to blogs/ websites)
Standard manuscript format (
A few formatting musts: No double spaces between punctuation and next sentence. No double spaces between paragraphs (unless indicating a time break).
Payment: $50 and contributor copy (paperback edition).
No simultaneous submissions, no poetry, no reprints
ebook and paperback format.
submission email:
There have been quite a few invitations for this one, so space for open submissions is limited.
Release date: 7 May, 2015. There will be an official release party at the World Horror Convention in Atlanta, GA.
30 September 2014 -- An Alphabet of Embers -- ed. Rose Lemberg
I am seeking submissions for An Alphabet of Embers, an anthology of unclassifiables – lyrical, surreal, magical, experimental pieces that straddle the border between poetry and prose.
I am looking for work that is between 500 and 1400 words in length. Ideally, I’d like to accept a mix of pieces that can traditionally be labeled stories, and pieces that defy such definitions. If you’ve been told your piece is 'too slight' or 'more of a vignette', 'too poetic' or 'too experimental,' I’d love to consider it.
While I am looking for unusual and striking work that defies definition, I would be happy to consider work that falls within any speculative genre, including science fiction, fantasy, fairytale/mythic retellings, and of course surrealism, magic realism, etc. If it has a speculative element, I will consider it, though any straightforward treatment of genre tropes will likely be a miss.
I am looking for work that is evocative, beautiful, stirring; I envision An Alphabet of Embers as a book that moves us, emotionally and intellectually, to consider the world from angles new and old and new again. I want AoE to resonate with lyrical strangeness, and pain, and vibrancy, and hope. I am always keenly interested boundary-crossing work, and want to showcase a variety of voices and perspectives.
I am NOT looking for pieces that are unambiguously poetry. (Prose poetry is welcome).
I am committed to diversity of voice and theme in all my editorial projects, and this one will be no exception (here are my thoughts on looking for diversity of voice and theme, as an editor). This anthology is not specifically diversity themed; rather, I believe that every editorial project should be diverse, and every editorial project of mine has been, and will be diverse. Examples of my work include The Moment of Change (Aqueduct Press, 2012), and Stone Telling Magazine, which I co-edit with Shweta Narayan.
I welcome and encourage submissions from creators who belong to marginalized groups, including PoC, LGBTQIA creators, people of all ages, people of various levels of (dis)ability and income, people with neuroatypicalities, immigrants, and more. I’d love to see your work regardless of whether you have prior sales. This anthology is open to everyone.
I would love to consider work in a variety of Englishes. Your language variant is welcome here.
Pay: I will be paying SFWA professional rates at 6c a word for originals, and 3c a word for reprints.
Simultaneous submissions: NO.
Multiple submissions: YES, you can send me up to TWO pieces to consider, either in a single submission or in two separate submissions.
Please send me the piece(s) as attachment(s) in doc, docx, or .rtf format. Please use Standard Manuscript Format. If your piece has special formatting that needs a different submission process, please query first.
Please send your submission(s) to with SUBMISSION: “Your story title” .
Cover letter: please list whether the piece is unpublished; if it is a reprint, please give full information about the first publication of your submission. I prefer short cover letters – you are welcome to list 2-3 recent publications, but it’s perfectly fine not to do so. Please address your cover letter to Editors, or Ms. Lemberg.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions. I’m looking forward to reading your work!
[Click through for multiple links, which are interesting and caused me to spend far too much time clicking and reading.]
30 September 2014 -- SNAFU: Wolves at the Door -- Cohesion Press
For this anthology, we want military horror or sci-fi featuring werewolves and other lycanthropes.
The military aspect must be as strong as the werecreature aspect.
In the blackest night or under the full moon, danger is lurking.
It’s survival at all costs when you’re fighting against an enemy that could tear you apart – or convert you to the other side.
Against the backdrop of an untamed wilderness or the dark depths of the city, the ultimate clash between the forces of man and nature rage on.
You could be battling the monster within or a war around you – where the cost could prove too great. Whether it’s personal survival or submission of the pack, we want it all. Bring on the blood, guts and gore.
Stories can be set in any time period, but must involve military action and werecreatures.
We want military combat: guns and ammo, swords, katanas, ninja-to, Bronze Age axes, tooth and claw. Suspense. Tension. Conflict.
Whether the wolves are fighting with you or against you is your choice…
~ ~ ~
We STRONGLY suggest you read the first SNAFU volume to see what it is we like.
~ ~ ~
SNAFU: Wolves at the Door will be an anthology of short stories on the theme of lycanthrope-based military horror.
*Payment: AUD2c/word and one contributor copy
*SNAFU: Wolves at the Door will be released as an ebook only
*Wordcount range: 2,000 – 6,000 words (query for shorter or longer)
*Submission window: 1st September, 2014 – 30th September, 2014 (anything submitted outside of this window will be deleted without being read)
*Projected publication date: Last Quarter 2014
Please follow these guidelines when submitting to us:
1. Please put your full contact details on the first page of the manuscript top left, with word count top right.
2. Standard submission format, with minimal document formatting.
3. Courier or Times New Roman set at 12pt. Italics as they will appear. No underlining.
4. Double spaced.
5. Please don’t use TAB or space bar to indent lines. Use ‘styles’ only. If unsure or using a program that has no styles, do not indent at all. That’s still cool.
7. NO SPACE between paragraphs unless a line-break is required. ONE SPACE after full stops.
8. Please put full contact details on the first page of the manuscript (yes, I said this twice… it’s important).
9. Send your submission to Geoff Brown at as an attachment.
10. In the subject line of your email, please put WEREWOLVES: [STORY TITLE]
(Replace [STORY TITLE] with your actual story title. Yes, unfortunately we do need to state this)
For a guide to standard submission format, see:
The only variation to this format is that italics MUST appear as they will be used; no underlining.
Anyone that fails to follow these guidelines will likely see their story gobbled up by spam gremlins.
1 October 2014 -- I Am the Abyss -- ed. Chris Morey; Dark Regions Press
The Idea:
When each of us reaches the end of our life in this world our consciousness enters a new perpetual reality during the seconds before the brain loses activity. This world is based on the subconscious and experiences we had during our mortal lives. The structures, landscapes, creatures and cities are amalgams of what we perceived during our short journeys on earth, and there our consciousness will stay (unless we find a means of escape).
These are ten stories of tortured souls and dark minds whose difficult mortal lives have come to an end. Their consciousnesses have been transported into underworlds of their own making. It is here that they rediscover forgotten corners of their minds, creatures that they never thought their imaginations could conjure, cities grander or more bizarre than anything they had experienced in their mortal lives.
In these underworlds the characters will truly discover themselves; their darkest fears and deepest desires will manifest. But within these realms they will also find peril and adventure. They will unlock secrets inconceivable during their mortal paths. Some will conquer their underworlds while others will submit. These are ten formations of the abyss on what makes us who we are: our own consciousness.
I Am the Abyss will consist of ten novelettes/novellas in the realm of horror and/or dark fantasy by ten different authors each accompanied by an original two-page color illustration by award-winning artist Les Edwards. The book will be offered in ebook, trade paperback and two signed collectible hardcover formats.
What We Want:
Adventure stories in the realm of horror and/or dark fantasy. Expansive and unique underworlds full of landscapes, cities, creatures, culture, history and more. It is essential that your version of the underworld feels like a fully realized place that has depth and connections to your central character. We want a strange and unique place to get lost in with a fascinating character to take us along for the ride. Your version of the underworld must have its own name which must also be the title of your story.
Although we seek uniqueness and creativity, you are welcome to base your version of the underworld on an established version from cultures/religions: Ancient Egypt, Greek, Christianity, Buddhism… but if you use an established mythos please explain it with your character/story. Remember: these underworlds are based on the subconscious and life experience of your main character/narrator.
We want the authors to have fun. Experiment; create sprawling cities, romances, wars! While the core idea behind the anthology is important, let this underworld be a playground for your creativity. The most exciting, interesting and creative stories will win us over in the end.
You can begin your story before your character dies in their mortal life, during their death or after death: that is up to your discretion. At least 60% of your story must take place in their version of the underworld. Please avoid overly long introductions based in the character’s mortal life or prolonged scenes in the mortal world.
We seek adventure stories. Don’t spend too much time lingering. The idea is: the reader will pick up I AM THE ABYSS and dive into one of the ten unique underworlds and experience a captivating and truly creative setting with a character that they can grow attached to taking them along for the ride. Whether the central character "lives," "dies," triumphs, fails… that’s all up to you. They must be human, and believably human at that.
Something to note: if you are half-finished with your story but October 1st of this year is coming up fast, you can submit the story in partial form. While we much prefer the finished version we understand busy schedules and if the idea is exciting enough and the portion we read well realized enough we just might accept it based on those strengths alone.
Please read over the details below before submitting. Thank you for your interest in our anthology!
Genre: Horror and/or Dark Fantasy
Length: 10,000 – 18,000 words
Book Editions: ebook, trade paperback, Your Heart is Black (signed limited edition hardcover), I Am Gateway (ultra-deluxe signed traycased hardcover) and audiobook.
Payment: $0.05/word + contributor copy + royalties + a signed and personalized high quality digital print of the full color spread that artist Les Edwards creates based on your version of the underworld. 1% NET royalties per author on all ebook, trade paperback and audiobook sales. Payments will be made via PayPal. Royalty payments will be made monthly. Royalty rates will increase based on sales thresholds being reached.
Kickstarter campaign: a campaign will be created for I AM THE ABYSS later this year, most likely in late November. Authors will be asked to record a short video describing their story, character and version of the underworld. If the author is unable to record a video we will describe their story on their behalf. They will also be asked to help promote the campaign and help us connect to anyone they know in the media, well-recognized names in the industry and others that could help in promoting the campaign. The campaign itself will be designed as a preorder with perks, giving backers the chance to reserve their copy of the book at planned retail price for each edition with free U.S. shipping and additional incentives exclusive to the campaign.
If you are uncomfortable partaking in a Kickstarter campaign please do not submit a story for consideration. For the success of the project it is crucial that all authors and contributors involved believe in the effort and are willing to help promote it. This is an ambitious project and demands a healthy budget. Something to note: the more successful the campaign is the more we can expand the project itself from additional stories to additional artworks from artist Les Edwards.
If the Kickstarter campaign does not succeed (we are very confident it will succeed) authors will be compensated in the exact same amount but will be paid in 4 payments (1 payment a month).
Format: RTF or DOC in Standard Manuscript Format. Courier New font.
Response time: 60-90 days
Edited by: Chris Morey with help from manuscript readers
Policies: No reprints. The work must be 100% original and never published anywhere else in the past, including blogs, websites, self-publishing or any form of publication. The words of your story must have only been read by yourself and your inner circle!
No multiple or simultaneous submissions. If your first story is rejected, you may submit one more story for consideration, but only after the first story has been rejected. Two story limit per author.
Rights sought: First worldwide print, electronic and audio English Language rights exclusive for three years from official publication date. Movie/film, television and video rights exclusive for five years from official publication date. Non-exclusive rights to keep anthology available across all platforms thereafter. Note: if any movie/film, television or video interest generates from any particular story in the anthology the author of that story will be notified, directly involved and will be ensured to receive payments/royalties/proper recognition from any such project. No ventures like this will move forward without the author's consent.
When Sending Us Your Manuscript Please Make Sure to Include the Following in the Body of Your E-mail (in order):
Full Name
Location: City, State/Province and Country
Story title, genre, word count and POV (point of view)
Story synopsis (500 words or less)
Publishing credits (debut authors are welcome!)
Website address (blog or social media is fine here too)
Author bio
Send your manuscript to: iamtheabyssdrp AT gmail DOT com
15 October 2014 -- Bloodlines -- ed. Amanda Pillar; Ticonderoga Publications
Blood will tell... blood holds memory... blood is sacrifice... blood is thicker than water... blood is life.
Bloodlines will feature non-traditional horror stories, which take place in an urban fantasy setting. Give me stories about creatures that need blood to live, or blood to do magic, or whose blood is magic. Witches, shamans, faeries, ancient gods and humans can feature in this collection, so long as your story exudes magic and mystery. So long as you enchant me.
As for the nitty-gritties:
== No science fiction stories will be accepted;
== Romance is acceptable, as long as the story is dark and has horrific themes/elements;
== Do not send stories written in the second person;
== While vampire stories can be submitted, please note that it would be in your best interests to wow me with something other than vampires.
== Lastly, the story must be on theme and meet the above guidelines. It must have blood (its need, use, potency etc.) as a major focus. If it does not, your story will be rejected.
The anthology will be published by Ticonderoga Publications in late 2014/early 2015.
Submission guidelines:
Send me your best dark urban fantasy story.
== Story length 1,000 to 7,500 words.
== Original stories only: no reprints, multiple, or simultaneous submissions (please only submit one story).
== Stories may be submitted via email at
== Manuscript format: double spaced, large margins, Times New Roman font, Australian English spelling.
== The editor reserves the right to use their discretion in selecting stories.
== Submission period: 1 August 2014 to 15 October 2014
== Payment: 2 copies of anthology and Aus 2 cents/word (GST inc., maximum payment $150) on publication.
31 October 2014 -- Blurring the Line -- ed. Marty Young; Cohesion Press
Do you really know what’s real and what isn’t?
A man called Arnold Paole was accused of being a vampire in 1732 in Yugoslavia, after his body was dug up five years after his death and found with long pointed teeth and nails, with blood in his mouth.
The Mothman of West Virginia was a winged man-sized creature with glowing red eyes and huge moth-like wings sprouting from its back, seen repeatedly during 1967 and 1968.
In 1977, a dead creature that looked a lot like a plesiosaur was caught in the nets of a Japanese fishing vessel, the Zuiyo-maru, offshore east of Christchurch, New Zealand.
The sage Apollonius of Tyana, born in Turkey at the start of the first century AD, hunted demons, and once saved one of his students from a vampire who was going to drink his blood and eat his soul.
These are all supposedly true stories. And there are more, more tales of monsters that shouldn’t exist, of demons and devil possession, of serial killers wearing human skin, ghosts terrorizing families…
But these tales also sound like fiction, don’t they?
Blurring the Line (working title) is seeking to blur the line between what is fiction and what is non-fiction. We want horror stories, tales that are serious and frightening, hard-hitting and imaginative. We want monsters; vampires and zombies and werewolves and the mummy and creatures from the Black Lagoon and giant killer plants and mutated ants and demons and devils and Mothmen and everything else you can think of or that hasn’t been thought of yet. But we also want your serial killers and demented and depraved humanity. We want it all. Push your imagination and take us into the far reaches of your darkness, without letting go of reality. Make us believe.
BUT, we want to be scared, made to feel uneasy and uncomfortable. We do not want to be shocked for no reason; if you’re going to eviscerate someone, there needs to be a good reason for doing so. We want style over shock value. We do not want supernatural romance, or weird fiction. We’re not looking for tales about a monster hunter or a covert monster hunting team (we love these stories but they’re not what we’re looking for here).
Details on the non-fiction component of Blurring the Line will be announced later in 2014, so keep an eye out for this.
Interior artwork will be by the super brilliant Alex McVey, and his pieces will combine to tell a horrifying story of their own.
1. Please put your full contact details on the first page of the manuscript top left, with word count top right.
2. Standard submission format, with minimal document formatting.
3. Courier or Times New Roman set at 12pt. Italics as they will appear. No underlining.
4. Double spaced.
5. Please don’t use TAB or space bar to indent lines. Use ‘styles’ only. If unsure or using a program that has no styles, do not indent at all. That’s still cool.
7. NO LINE between paragraphs unless a line-break is required.
8. Please put full contact details on the first page of the manuscript (yes, I said this twice… it’s important).
9. Send your submission to Marty Young at martyyoung2002[@] as an attachment. In the subject line of your email, please put Submission: [STORY TITLE]
(Replace [STORY TITLE] with your actual story title. Yes, unfortunately I do need to state this)
The only variation to this format is that italics MUST appear as they will be used; no underlining.
Anyone that fails to follow these guidelines will likely see their story gobbled up by spam gremlins.
[Click through for some about-the-editor info.]
5 November 2014 -- Hear Me Roar -- ed. Liz Grzyb; Ticonderoga Publications
This anthology, with the working title Hear Me Roar, is looking at kick-arse chicks of all varieties in a speculative fiction world – female superheroes, scientists, subversives and rulers. We want character-driven stories with strong female protagonists.
The stories can be any variety of speculative fiction: science fiction, fantasy, horror, paranormal romance, urban fantasy or a mix.
We are not looking for stories where women are objectified, where there is gratuitous gore or erotica.
The anthology will be edited by Liz Grzyb, award-winning editor of eight anthologies including The Year’s Best Australian Fantasy and Horror, and will be published by Ticonderoga Publications in 2015.
Submission guidelines
Send me your best speculative fiction story featuring strong women.
== Story length 2,500 to 7,500 words. (Longer stories may be accepted, although payment is capped at 7,500).
== Original stories only: no reprints, multiple, or simultaneous submissions.
== Stories may be submitted via email at in .doc or .rtf format.
== Manuscript format: double spaced, large margins, sensible serif font, Australian English spelling.
== Submissions period open: 21 April – 5 November 2014.
== Payment: 2 copies of print anthology and Aus 2.5 cents/word (GST inc., maximum payment $187.50) on publication.
1 December 2014 -- Stories for Chip: A Tribute to Samuel R. Delaney -- ed. Nisi Shawl and Bill Campbell; Rosarium Publishing
Our anthology-in-progress, Stories for Chip: A Tribute to Samuel R. Delany, will honor science fiction's living legend, the author of over 20 novels, approximately as many short stories, five notable memoirs and counting, and ten essential books of genre criticism. SFWA Grand Master, Science Fiction Hall of Fame inductee, and multiple award-winner Samuel R. Delany ("Chip" to his friends) has inspired and taught many of us in the fields of science fiction and fantasy, directly and indirectly, by example and by intent. We want to demonstrate to the world the power of his work through what we write, and thank him for the grace of his existence. Would you like to be part of this anthology? Read on.
Response time: You’ll hear back from us about your submission by January 29, 2015, at the latest.
Wordcount limits: 1000 to 10,000 for prose
Pay: minimum .05/word up to $400 total per story/essay for original prose; minimum .02/word up to $160 total per story/essay for reprint prose.
Note: Acceptance, contracts, and payments will follow a successful crowdfunding campaign. Campaign will run October 1 – 31, 2014.
We're accepting a very few reprints, and plan to include no more than five total in the book. We already have two in mind. You'll have a much easier time selling us original material.
What we're looking for: We want stories and critical essays that relate in some way to the strength and beauty of Samuel R. Delany’s body of work. This relationship can be made evident through allusions to the author himself; through allusions to his work's titles, characters, situations, settings, etc.; through evoking a Delanyesque atmosphere; or through analysis of any of these elements, in the case of nonfiction. We're hoping for essays which elucidate his important, lasting contributions to literature; and for fiction inspired by these contributions.
What we're not looking for: Please don't send us your parodies of Delany or his work. We're also not at all confident you'll impress us with your serious attempts to reproduce his style; if you must try us with something along those lines, be aware that's going to be an extremely hard sell. Further, because Delany's critical writing though rigorous, is so clear and easily understandable, we’re not at all interested in deliberately obscurantist, jargon-laden critical essays.
How to submit:
Once the submission period opens, we'll accept ELECTRONIC SUBMISSIONS ONLY. We’ll destroy unread anything you send before September 4 or after December 1. During that period, send your submissions as attached .rtf or .doc files to: In your message you can include any previous publishing credits you'd like to mention, and make any statement you care to make about your connections to Delany.
How to support without submitting: Check back here this February 2015 to participate in our crowdfunding campaign.
Publication and review copies: Our press is Rosarium, noted publisher of Mothership: Tales of Afrofuturism and Beyond. We expect to publish Stories for Chip in July 2015, and to make ARCs available to reviewers in March 2015.
[Click through for some info on the editors.]
UNTIL FILLED -- The Lost Worlds -- Eldritch Press ** First Posted August 2014
Please refer to the Submission Guidelines page for information on how and where to submit.
Include in the subject line of your submission Sub_The Lost Worlds_authors name
Updated Payment: Eight cents a word.
Story Length: Up to 20,000 novella length stories.
Rights Requested: One year exclusive rights upon publication.
This will be released in paperback, Limited Hardcover and E-book format.
Cover art will be revealed soon.
Steampunk is a difficult and demanding genre to write in. Therefore we are only accepting the best stories you can bring to the plate. To be published early next year.
"The Lost Worlds" will be a anthology in the Steampunk Horror Genre devoted to the post-apocalyptic theme. Send us worlds rebuilt by steam powered engines and mechanical marvels. Send us characters we can root for as they fight the good fight.
Send us worlds our readers can romanticize about, characters that jump off the page. We want to set the Steampunk world ablaze with "The Lost Worlds." So we only want your best.
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