Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Anthology Acceptance

I got a note from Corie Weaver, editor of The Young Explorer's Adventure Guide, saying they want the story I subbed to them. This is pretty awesome -- it's my first pro sale to someone I haven't met face-to-face, fourth all together.

The publisher, Dreaming Robot, is going to be running a crowdfunding campaign starting on 1 August to raise the money to pay their writers the pro rates they're offering. Normally this would be a red flag for me -- not a scammer-type red flag, but an "Is this worth the time and hassle for something that might not work out?" kind of red flag. But their web site says:

If the crowd-funding fails, please note that we are still committed to this anthology, and will find other ways to fund the project. However, there may be delays. If authors feel the need to withdraw their submission due to delays, we understand.

And the sample contract sent with the acceptance letter states:

In the event that The Anthology has not been published within twelve (12) months of signing of this agreement, all rights revert to The Author, and The Author has the right to sell or arrange for publication of The Work in any manner.

So the editorial team plans to be cool about people withdrawing because of delays, and if they get hit by a bus and their sociopathic cousin takes over ownership of the project and its contracted works, the contract still protects us from unreasonable delay. I'm satisfied with the situation.

They're taking subs through 31 August, if you're into YA SF. It'd be cool to be in an antho with some of my blog buds. :)


PS -- I had to dig the original acceptance letter out of my spam folder. :/ Always-always check before you delete!


Charles Gramlich said...

Excellent! Major congrats.

Angie said...

Charles -- thanks! :)


P.D. Singer said...

Awesome news! Especially since they seem to have thought the contingencies through.

Angie said...

Pam -- exactly. [nod] They're new, but they're professional enough to have covered the relevant bases and offered writers protection in the contract. Thanks!
