Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Fiction River

The Fiction River anthology series is doing a subscription drive on Kickstarter, and they're already into stretch goals. They're offering various subscription levels at various prices, including a single electronic issue for $5, some multi-issue genre packages, up through a year's subscription in electronic or print or audio. Some packages come with extra stories -- electronic or print -- by anthology authors, and one lets you choose a character for each of three anthology stories Dean will write for up-coming issues.

There are also special packages left for writers that bundle some online lectures in with your Fiction River subscription. One that lets you choose a future anthology theme and co-edit it with Dean has already been snapped up, as have all the subscription-plus-online-workshop bundles.

If you're looking for a new tablet anyway, there's a Kobo special package that comes with a Kobo tablet, codes to download the previous ten volumes of Fiction River, plus ARCs to the two Kobo special edition issues coming up (with extra stories), plus three up-coming issues.

And like I mentioned above, they're already into stretch goals.

Since they passed $7500, everyone who supports the Fiction River subscription drive at the $5 level or higher will receive one additional electronic copy of Fiction River from the second year.

They hit $10,000 recently, so they'll create a special edition of Fiction River called Debut Writers’ Showcase. This will be a separate ebook of Fiction River authors who were published first with us. Plus, we’ll extend their biographies and ask them really cool questions such as, “Since you’ve been published in Fiction River, what’s happened in your writing career?” One of the goals of Fiction River is to bring you fresh voices in storytelling. We’ll send this edition to everyone who supports the Fiction River subscription drive at the $5 level or higher. (I'm one of their debut writers, so that'll be fun to do. :) )

This is a great project, with a lot of awesome writers. It's well worth supporting, especially since you're already getting a couple of extras. Check it out.



Suzan Harden said...

WOW! The last time I checked Dean and Kris had just crossed the $5K mark. Good for them!

Angie said...

Suzan -- seriously, they're going gangbusters. Which is great, 'cause it means when they do the Anthology Workshop again next year there'll be more books to sub to. :)


Charles Gramlich said...

Glad their kickstarter has gone so well.

Angie said...

Charles -- me too. [nod] They're really killing it, which is great. :)
