My story "The Rites of Zosimos," originally published in Alchemy and Steam, has been reprinted in The Year's Best Crime and Mystery Stories 2016. "Rites" is a murder mystery set at a 19th century alchemical university. It's one of my own favorite stories, and it's awesome that the editors thought it was one of the best mysteries of last year, along with stories by Joyce Carol Oates, Mary Higgins Clark, Tananarive Due, Carrie Vaughn, Annie Reed, and a bunch of other great writers. I've never been in a "Best Of" anthology before, so this is doubly cool. Check it out!
as an Amazon e-book
as a Kobo e-book
as a Nook e-book
as an iTunes e-book
The paperback edition will be out soon, if you prefer paper.
Thumbs up!
Charles -- thanks!
YAY! Reprints are good!
Suzan -- reprints are very good, yes. :D Thanks!
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