Wednesday, January 9, 2008

New Column


Forgot to post this morning [facepalm] but I have a new column up at Romancing the Blog. This one talks about the Amazon Kindle and the number one reason I don't think it's going to take the market by storm any time soon.



Charles Gramlich said...

Good points. Definetely about not wanting to throw out the old ebooks or replace them.

Angie said...

Charles -- [nod] Bad enough to have to re-buy your favorite games if you swap computer systems, or just resign yourself to never playing something again. At least I don't have as many games as I have books. :P


writtenwyrdd said...

It seemed pretty much a bad idea when I saw the Amazon page on it. Limited storage of books and a really pricey unit? Bleh.

Angie said...

WW -- there are more expensive ones, but yeah, my Palm reads e-books fine and does other things too and was like... a quarter or a third the price of a Kindle. And it reads .PDF files. :P The Kindle has a larger screen, but I'm not willing to pay an extra two or three hundred dollars for that larger screen.


Ello - Ellen Oh said...

I am too attached to the physical ties that the smell and feel of books give me to like anything electronic in it's place.

Angie said...

Ello -- a lot of people have those kinds of issues. [nod] I'm pretty sure e-books are going to be a niche market for at least another generation or two, just because of what everyone alive today was used to growing up.
