Sunday, August 10, 2008

Comment Weirdness...?

Is anyone else on Blogger having their comments acting weird? I had someone comment on my previous entry, but when I got here their comment was gone. (It was Stewart Sternberg -- I'm not ignoring you, I'm trying to find you. [flail]) So was my reply to Bernita's comment, which I'd done a day or so earlier.

I got another comment the next day, from Anonymous, and it didn't show either, nor did Stewart's nor my reply to Bernita.

Now it's a couple of days after that and my reply to Bernita is back, but Stewart's and Anon's comments are still AWOL. :/ I'm figuring I'll give it another day or two (at least until I'm back home -- I'm at WorldCon in Denver right now) and then just paste their comments in from my e-mail notices and reply all at once. This is really annoying, though. [glares at Blogger's server]



Charles Gramlich said...

That must be what's going on. I know I had answered folks' comments on some of the older posts on my blog but they disappeared. Bizarre, I thought it was only me.

Angie said...

Charles -- well, I'm glad it's not only me.

What's even weirder is that after being missing for a few days, my comment came back. I'm hoping that in another day or so, those other two comments will return too. [crossed fingers]


Shauna Roberts said...

This hasn't happened to me yet, unless I just didn't notice it.

Angie said...

Shauna -- you might keep an eye out. :/ I guess it depends how obsessed one is with one's comments [cough] but I'm pretty sure I noticed right away.


writtenwyrdd said...

I've had a number of comments disappear lately, including one for your last post. *shrugs* It's a computer system. They do glitchy things.

Angie said...

WW -- true, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't grouch about it, or that the folks in charge shouldn't try to get it fixed. :P Something needs to be sporked until this stops. [sigh]


Stewart Sternberg (half of L.P. Styles) said...

It's scary being AWOL..but damn, it's so ME.

Angie said...

Stewart -- you finally did show up, LOL! I answered your comment, my answer vanished, but now the Anon comment (which was from Writtenwyrdd) has shown up. [headdesk] It's like everything's just being delayed by four days or however long, which is still weird and annoying, but at least they're trickling in. :/

It also seems to be just that one post of mine, so more weirdness. [ponder]


Steve Malley said...

Perhaps in a few days, my comment on your last post will show... :)

Angie said...

Steve -- hopefully. [eyeroll] Maybe if I bait the comment area with chocolate or something, I can get them all to show up sooner. o_O


writtenwyrdd said...

Anon comment from me is back? Wasn't when I checked recently? Maybe it's an off-again, on-again thing.

These things should work correctly, and I do get peeved when they don't. Between Typepad and google and blogspot glitchiness over the last while, I'm just sort of eye rolling at new signs of trouble. Burned out, I guess.

Don't get me started on teh bizarreness of the very important computron at work this morning, the box wherein we must add all sorts of essential data, to this one and only box...

Angie said...

WW -- it was still there when I looked just now:

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's bizarre. However, I read the first one, thought, Meh,and haven't read the rest. It's a bit too pat for me, but I can see why Twilight would appeal to a YA audience. It just didn't appeal to me the adult. (Odd, considering I love reading Meg Cabot and a number of other young adult authors.)

August 8, 2008 9:31 AM

Others are still trickling in, though, including my responses. It's gotten to the point where I don't remember who I did and didn't respond to. [headdesk] It's like Blogger is just sitting on everything posted to that one entry, and releasing them after a few days. :P
