Thursday, December 2, 2010

November Stuff

This is going to be really short, 'cause I have two pressing deadlines and I'm actually late on one of them. [flail]

First, this is a great video of Ian McKellan talking to a film festival audience about filming the balrog sequence in Rings. It's very short -- a minute and a bit -- and funny. Check it out. :)

Second, NaNo pretty much fizzled halfway through, but I got almost 20K words on the book, which is a great jumpstart. The Goodreads M/M Romance group is doing a holiday promo where writers write a story based on a photo and a request posted by a reader. One of the photos spawned a plot-bunny, so I volunteered. It's taking a lot longer than I thought to write it (so what else is new?) but I like the story, and it'll eventually be a stand-alone free read for my web site, which I've needed for a while. Also, for doing this I get a book-of-the-month promo slot in the group later in 2011, for a book of my choice, which I'll admit was attractive. I decided it was worth setting Emerging Magic aside for a bit to do this. I'll post here with a link when the story goes up.

Oh, I had a new story released and didn't even post about it! Gotta love the holidays.... [facepalm] Hell Is in the Details is a funny short story (okay, it's kind of long for a short, but it's a short on a technicality) about Benioth, the Demon of Laziness, who hasn't read his memos for a while -- like, decades. He's missed a few changes in policy and is in trouble with his boss. :)

November stats:

Writing 21,562 words -- 9 pts.
Editing 17,106 words -- 3 pts.
Wrote 1 synopsis -- 1 pt.
TOTAL = 13 pts, woot!

Koala Challenge 9


Karalynn said...

Hurray! So glad to hear about all the writing you've got done!

And that's an awesome synopsis. Will read it once work is not pummeling me into zombie levels of brain function...

Charles Gramlich said...

Very productive. Much more than me.

Angie said...

Kara -- thanks! I'm pretty happy with November, even if I didn't achieve everything I'd hoped. [nod]

And good luck; I hope work lets up soon. {{}}

Charles -- this was like 4 months' worth of writing for me, at least given my performance previously this year, so I'm pretty jazzed. Thank you!


Steve Malley said...

You're a Mighty Writing Machine-- way to go!!!!

Angie said...

Steve -- LOL! Thanks! :D
