Saturday, September 27, 2008


My novelette, A Spirit of Vengeance, is on sale at Torquere for 20% off, which makes it $1.99. The free short story coming out on the 30th is an epilogue to this story, so if you haven't read "Spirit" yet, this is a great chance.



Charles Gramlich said...

Hum, I'm trying to order it but am having some trouble signing in at the press. Maybe the system is backed up or something. I'll try again later.

Angie said...

Charles -- bummer. :( I just logged in okay, so hopefully it's back up.

They just switched servers, so maybe something's hiccupping. Thanks for trying; I hope it works later.


Charles Gramlich said...

I just tried again and no luck. I sent them an email at their contact address asking for help. After I login, ever link I click after that takes me back to the login page.

Angie said...

Charles -- well, that's annoying. :( Hopefully Larry (the web guy) will get back to you soon with a fix. Sorry about that. [sigh]
